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Old 15-01-2020, 08:33 AM
Busby Busby is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by guthrio
Brother Busby, and all,

No evasion of Truth is possible, because Truth is what we are.

Here's are a couple of perspectives for your consideration: The Secret Beyond Matter.

4 What you put out is what you get back.
The "outside" is a reflection of the "inside".
Physical reality is actually a 3-dimensional holographic mirror:
Your physical reality is just a holographic reflection of
what you most strongly believe to be true. And like a mirror, physical reality
will not change unless you change first (change what you most strongly believe).

The miracle, if it must be so labeled, is the paradigm shift that knowledge of its meaning opens for each of us....

"A person convinced against their will...remains unconvinced still".

...until they find the answer(s) to their questions, themselves.

Hope this, and these other references, below help you, as well. As to seeing miracles....

I've never seen one, nor can I in my long life recall ever having seen one reported or filmed or commentated., as you stated...


Suffice it to say that There Is No Name that can contain this Truth, regardless what it is called. any more that our perceptions can be named. Do you see?

Reference: You ARE The Technology


Thanks guthrio for your reply.

Let's leave my central question lying by the wayside which was - just to repeat - show me a miracle, one or anything that has avoided the physical laws which abound around us. I was simply hoping, without any sense of demanding, or sense of hope really that someone would be able to give an example.

Thanks too for the you tube link, this is very similar to the one I recommend

I look upon the place we call the universe as well as the sparrow sitting on the bush in front of my window as nothing other than a large and small continual ocean of feedbacks existing in a constantly forming and reforming condition or state. We, as individuals and as collectives depend upon energy levels and responses and utterings of these feedbacks for the universe we see in front of us. We are in a permanent information exchange from the moment we are born into given circumstances, and, depending upon the information the environment holds at that starting moment we are off on the track the initial information (or feedback) likes to pick and choose what we see, this to eventually develop our own position in this permanent kaleidoscope of appearances - that which we call the outside world.

This kaleidoscope, or as you call it Hologram, is the only true reality apart from that which we call the creator. This has always, or more often or not, been misunderstood and has led to all the various belief systems which circulate in billions of veins.

From this background stem all sciences, all karma beliefs and religious explanations, ideas and theories, inventions, evolution, politics, professions, arts - the list is endless. We completely underestimate this space in which we react. For that is what it is, sheer reaction. How we react is up to us.

The constantly promoted belief (induced by religions) that we are born to be good and obey (in order to enter heaven) is a tragic error in the concept of the universe's plan and an insult to mankind's intellect.

'A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory'
- Mark Twain.
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