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Old 15-07-2016, 12:23 AM
engellstein engellstein is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 462
Originally Posted by H:O:R:A:C:E
you have control over yourself (if not 'external' things).
so... make yourself unavailable to these things (don't go there?).
or... alter your composition:
-make yourself "more loving", which may prove distasteful to them.
-change your appearance (perhaps to mimic them?)
-solidify, or desolidify your form (to make yourself inaccessible).

just some ideas.
best wishes.

thanks for the pointers. you can't not go there. it like having a real animal on your body. you can't think it away. i didn't think them here in the first place, they just showed up and i had to look it up what these could be afterwards.

i've done the more loving thing, no dice.

i'm not really sure how to do the other things.


another thing i notice is i think the main tentacles don't belong to these parasites, but to an alien or queen that isn't even present. i trace the tentacles back to their source and i see they come out of portals. all attempts to close them end in failure.

i've gone to the other side and dispatched that entity but it's right back immediately afterwards. the tentacles have hooks and they seem to like to tie into me to block communication to higher forces.

this is f***ed up beyond anything conceivable.
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