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Old 06-10-2010, 12:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Rumar
We should go over reincarnation in all kinds of religions as well.
I believe in reincarnation from what I've read and watched on history channel.
Why would children have detailed memories of ancient medival castles? How would a child or a teenager have descriptions of people who weren't in available resources? There's books of people taking their children to psychiatrists because of the stories their children would tell them.

The goal here is to find out if you reincarnated before and how to trigger past life memories.
Rumar, I would agree that we could explore the belief in reincarnation in all different cultures. As to exploring our own memories of past lives, that would be an individual decision. Not everyone is ready to deal with those memories, the memory of the physical hardships, relations lost, broken hearts and seeing past loved ones put to death. Sometimes it is for the best that we don't remember. I have had many past live memories and most of them still cause pain and I don't share those memories with very many people.
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