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Old 22-02-2020, 04:40 AM
ReQuestor ReQuestor is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 24
Boy scout camp...horror film

I had read in the news the other day about how the Boy Scouts are dealing with a lot of recent court cases involving allegations of abuse. This really saddened me. I had heard stories about it in the past, but the scope of it was just so big and...depressing.
I was never part of the boy scouts myself, but I was briefly in the cub scouts one year.

In my dream I am at the boy scout camp. It's a large kind of park/wilderness area which has become surrounded by suburban neighborhoods since it's founding. I have fond memories of festivals in my youth, but have not really visited it since that time. Even though I still pass by it on occasion.
I don't remember much about the dream. But I was concerned that the entire campgrounds could stay "preserved" in its entire area, and not be sold or divided up for other real estate use.
Suddenly I found myself in a Horror movie from decades ago. There was a couple with a young boy (would have been my age at the time). The father and mother were both trying to help the boy in some way, but the father was actually demon possessed. The mother was successful in destroying him. At the end the credits rolled and showed a still image of the woman standing in the room of their apartment after her triumph over evil. The location of the film was roughly where I now live in my apartment.

I have no idea what any of this means. My dad was not the typical detached working professional. So he was not represented by the film character. If anything the characters might represent myself in some fashion.

If you have any ideas about this, feel free to post. Thanks.
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