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Old 12-11-2016, 04:56 PM
ragdoll ragdoll is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 532
visited the old neighborhood

I had a dream that was rather realistic. I went to an old neighborhood where I used to live until I was 8. I went to someone's house and they didn't believe I ever lived there. I started listing off neighbors and features, even that in my old house. I even noted features the dream got wrong, like a neighbors house that was too small and painted dark colors instead of light, and was missing the fence and the motor home on the side. I did get wrong where my old best friend used to live though. Through the dream I was reminding myself that I had to wake up because I has to pee lol. But I noted everything from the cypress trees to what my house looked like. I don't know why I went to that old neighborhood. I haven't been there in years.
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