Thread: Quantum Physics
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Old 27-02-2012, 06:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SerpentQueen
Define "hallucination"... LOL... all of this that we call "reality" may be a dream. "Reality" may blink into existence the moment we put our focus/perspective/observation on it. If Shabby expected to see cement, it created cement. This may have been a "glitch" in the matrix in which she caught the cement in the act of being manifested...

I love it when such glitches happen...

Another good read is --

We are constantly perceiving not in the present but in the past. Our brains perceive in the present, but then carefully edit everything and play it back to us. If we were really capable of living in the true here/now... who knows what we might observe. Maybe Shabby got just such a glimpse.

I related on SF a long while back about an experiment I tried -- I think it may have been based on something someone here suggested. I'm sorry I don't remember, otherwise I'd give proper attributes. The idea was to try and focus on things without giving them a label. So I was in the bathroom and I looked around and focused on not automatically labeling "bathtub" "sink" etc.. even the shampoo bottle, which was the toughest of all, since it had printed words on it... and there was this brief moment when everything got crazy -- like what people say it looks like when you are on DMT. I got vertigo from it. Then it went away...

So maybe Shabby experienced just such a moment?

You are so right Serpent Queen and thank you for your posts which I enjoy reading not just because they make me appear less crazy LOL

I know that hallucination is a possibility, but another possibility is as valid as we have no proof for such things.
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