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Old 19-08-2016, 04:55 AM
keokutah keokutah is offline
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Posts: 562
Ok, sorry about that, I just went through a really intense experience. I don't know if it's already complete.
Anyways, I knew I was a Walk In for a few years, and that happened when I was like in pre-teen age, so a long time ago.
But I was what I called a "Soul Braid", which basically means I thought I could have two souls that were attached together.

Long story short, it turns out that I was not meant to have two souls, the original soul just refused to leave even though it was considered dead, it was supposed to move on a long time ago. Basically like a leech or parasite, attatching itself to the new soul. So, just recently the old soul left. Or so, I thought it left, and I'm pretty sure it was gone for many hours, but then I guess something went wrong and it came back. But man did it ever come back with a vengeance. Maybe it never left, I don't know what happened really.
I still don't really know what happened last night, but I'm pretty sure my soul attacked me. It was the most intense thing I've ever experienced.
And the weird thing is, hours before I meditated and realized there was a huge black wall sheild all around me, and instead of that freaking me out, it made me feel amazing.
My new soul is some kind of Buddhist monk guy, I had some moments alone with my soul, just finally in peace, and it was like the most serene and peaceful experience ever, all my soul wanted to do was exist in nothingness, to just be, and i recharged my soul just by existing in this peaceful darkness of nothing, having no thoughts, no goals, just nothing, like, that was the most intense meditation I've ever experienced. You know... before that the other soul has always been trying to be in charge and I've never been able to have that kind of peace with just one soul.
But then after I felt recharged I thought I should take down that weird sheild that was surrounding me, because literally going in public with tht shield was making me grumpy, like having that sheild up I was very closed off to people around me, so I decided to take it down even though I had no idea why it was there. I just assumed I had put it there, because it made me feel good.
And after that is when I was attacked. I'm pretty sure it was myself who attacked me. And as I attacked myself I wasn't able to think clearly at all, I couldn't form thoughts and it was like my whole brain was short circuiting, it was like an acid trip, without the drugs, never experienced anything like that before.
But then my spirit guides got through to me, and they told me they were cutting the cord to my other soul and finishing the transformation process, they literally had to cut a birth cord, because that soul was somehow still attatched to the body or root chakra or something like that...
All I know though, is I felt the most excruciating pain ever. I thought I was gonna die. They said I would feel a pull, but it was a physical pain I felt, a sharp pain all the way from my tailbone all the way up to my pubic bone, straight through, a direct line, right where the root chakra is supposed to be. That lasted for hours and the next day, today... I've been so out of it. I don't know if it's over but I certainly hope it is.
And the weirdest thing about all of that is, I've felt that pain before just not that bad, I always have unexplained lower back pain and tailbone pain and also digestive issues, and I totally just realized last night that it's connected to my root chakra, and probably is always wonky because of this walk in soul stuff.
I have this amazing sense that perhaps when I have one soul, my back pain will just stop and my digestive issues will go back to normal, and I really hope I am right about that.
But anyway, the first post that I wrote here was all in the perspective of my other soul that is now gone (at least I hope it is gone), so it was just a weird post, I'm glad I deleted it.
My spirit guides have told me to keep the sheild up for a few days. Apparently, all of that really did some damage on me, and I got really imbalanced from that experience and well I'm still feeling it physically.

I don't know if the process is done yet though, I mean something like that might take awhile. I'm not sure, becaues the first time I thought it was done, it turned out it wasn't. While this has been going on, I've not been as spiritual as usual, like along with the lack of focus and mind issues, like my brainis being short circuited, I've been having issues speaking to my spirit guides too, so that's why I'm not entirely sure if it's over yet.
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