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Old 10-08-2019, 09:27 PM
davidmartin davidmartin is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 1,082
hello iam and tab just to pop one other thought in, I think its definately ok to feel positive about your ways, and a blessing to be protected do b careful! rare to see a sensitive person, don't ever change! i always had a longing for unobtainable relationships but generally with an ideal person id never met yet. it was when i realised God is the ultimate unobtainable, perfect being and kind of realised further that he/she/it isn't unobtainable. only through spirituality was i able to advance or whatever the word is find any kind of completeness. so you could direct some of that inwardly spiritual instead. it doesn't have to mean going to church just directing that love within a little to God. it could be another path to try consciously

i know some Christians who seem to love Jesus way more than their husbands, i've heard of some guys becoming jealous. i always thought there was something in this, some deeper thing about what souls need. i may be rambling. any way, i think keep being you!
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