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Old 15-01-2017, 09:56 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Become aware of your Astral Body....

:) Hello

All this is just a little information for people who are trying to learn more about astral projection or if you are trying to learn how to do it. For me it was the realization of the astral body or energy body or emotional body that helps my physical body fall asleep quicker and lets me slip out easier. I think being able to feel your astral body is key. I just told you the secret to it.... energy and emotions are good ways to become aware. So if you still dont understand how to realize this vibration try this.....

Try to notice how you feel..... for me i translate energies into different temperatures and feelings of a "breeze". So for example when my angel is around me depending on who it is.... I will feel cool like it is maybe 60 degrees outside and a with a very gentle breeze like someone blowing air on you gently but all over your body. Trying going into a metaphysical store, a bar, a antique store, a church where people sit and congregate and then the place where they pray to try and notice the differences in energies. For example in San Antonio there is a place called the San Bernadino Cathedral. I feel the contrast between the place where people sit and where they pray only. Try it out.

Emotions would be another indication of your astral body but I would assume based on which emotion it is that strong emotions charge your etheric body which can be experienced physically in this reality. For example when I am excited or very happy my computer starts acting weird.... and starts making chirping sounds.... when im drunk my phone or other electronics become unresponsive and extremely laggy. When I am angry sometimes lights flicker and I have even punched something barely and had devastating effects on that something as well as being faster than the sound it made. So I would say that you should experiment with these emotions and try to use them constructively... are you sad... are you mad... are you depressed? Transmute it towards something you are working for....

A good example would be if you were going to speak in front of a lot of people. Hopefully you practiced your speech or know what your going to say before trying this but that nervousness you feel can be used to empower your speech making your words more powerful. You can hear the difference and feel the difference between people who are using their energy in their voice.... music is a good example of this... A lot of people like bands and artists when they first started vs what they have now because of the contrast of energy in their art. Not 100% of course... When I was in the military going through basic or boot camp our Drill Sergeant didn't like us and didn't allow us to talk or sound off "scream commands or responses" (lol google it if you dont know what sound off means) after awhile we finally had his approval and when he allowed us to shout it was very loud and echoed throughout the facility and it felt like there was a small shock wave emitted from our voices. It was so strange that I got goosebumps from it..

When entering the astral body for me my whole body feels really cool.... and light as in temperature wise if you were wondering. I would even suggest learning how to control your emotions because... 1 being able to do so is good for you because sometimes your emotions may drive you to do things that you will regret later but it feels soooo right in that moment... In the astral for conscious traveling you will be more aware of your emotional body and depending on the circumstances and content of the travel you may be volatile and be ejected back to your body. lol For example.... my cat was stolen.. and so when I astral projected and found him he could see me.... and he started meowing.... I fellt so sad... I started to cry... im crying now too... and I altered the vibration of my astral body which sent me right back to my body because of the shock....

Have fun and experience how it feels.. #AstralRadiance
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