Thread: Skin walkers
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Old 13-06-2018, 01:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Thank you for the wise advice.

I had no fear while looking at it. The fear didn't come until that night when I went to sleep and thought about seeing it earlier that day. I felt fear because I didn't know what it was. That night before seeing it, I did have a dream about a presence I could feel following me. I turned around and saw a nun who looked angry. She told me that a legion of demons was following me. I asked if I could help in a loving tone. She handed me a baby that was a demon. I gave it love through out the rest of the dream. After the dream finished I woke up and lied in my bed for awhile, awake. When I turned to get up out of bed, that is when I saw the white wolf.

I find it most interesting that others in town are seeing it. Last night I felt a bit scared because I didn't understand why it would come into my home. The others saw it in the woods.

Originally Posted by Crystal Ambassador
Let me ask you this; at the time you saw it, were you afraid? Or did it begin only after the sight, when you began to think about it and then read about its possibilities?

There was a time not long ago that I used to wake in the night to see people coming in through my window, or darting into a closet. Silhouettes in the darkness, but undeniable. The only things I had seen that were "physical" images rather than seen in the mind like though psychic vision. As I became more awake they would somehow melt into a shape that fitted things like drapes, but never was the shape aligned in a way it could have been mistaken as people. I would often feel as if someone was in the house and would wake in the night with a "knowing" someone was there physically. Never was. It happened for many months, and I began to notice that when I saw them, I would have one or two days before a wake-in-the-night terrifying nightmare. They would stop showing up for a couple weeks, and then would again appear before a nightmare. Naturally I became afraid of them, and would dread their sighting. I did what I could to tell them to go, to set up crystal grids and envision them no longer appearing. I assumed they were demons, and that their presence generated the nightmares that they would feed on before leaving sated until this next hunger. I felt that because I already feared the dark and being attacked while asleep, I attracted them to me. It only made it worse. When I mentioned this to my partner, he told me that he had once woken to see a humanoid being standing over him, manipulating his body energy. But he had not felt malace, so he went back to sleep.

That struck my curiosity.
I reached out to them. I relaxed during the day, became calm and focused before envisioning the room at night in my mind, in a type of meditation. I "waited", watching myself sleep in the room. The beings came around one or two a.m. maybe, while I slept. They would climb in through the windows, and wander the apartment a bit. They looked like they were seeking something, or maybe just curious. Then they gathered in the room, maybe only two or three of them at most. They found our energy, as that was all they could see: they seemed blind to physical form. They recognized a piece of energy my partner had "collected" from a star that he had looked at once while we stargazed. This they recognized as their own. I began to understand that where they "lived", they spent their time wandering around looking for places in the energy field of their home that needed healing. Their planet was very energetically "healthy" so to speak, but still needed it in places, like a janitor who upkeeps cleanliness. As part of their regular wandering, they had come upon a piece of their energy field that appeared to need healing. Suddenly they found themselves in a very different and unexpected place (our room) that was surrounded by energy definitely in need of healing. So they did as they always did, and began to heal. I happened to be the one in need of it most, and as they worked with my energy field, the wounds stirred up and manifested as nightmares. I thanked them for their help and explained that I was experiencing distress at the nightmares, and that it would be better to only help a little bit. They hadn't realized that their work was having that effect, but after explanation they understood and agreed to be less "intensive". Over following weeks they began to appear less and less, as did the severity of my nightmares.
Once I understood what they were, and that they had simply been unintentionally drawn here, I realized that I had worked myself up into fearing something that was actually benevolent. The reason I shared this with you is to encourage you to first ask "what if what I saw isn't dangerous?" and perhaps give you some relief. Many people live in a state of fear of what isn't understood, and we've gotten pretty good at working ourselves up over it before looking at our own intuition and the objective facts. The silhouettes never tried to hurt me, yet I was convinced they would destroy me as I slept. And then I sought to understand them.
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