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Old 31-08-2014, 09:59 AM
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Originally Posted by anthony c
Thanks and u right.
I don't want to make people believe in the devil but i just did.
My goal was to let them know there could be hell and u should be ready and change for GOD's will when he comes.
I did not mean to scare people but u right it does and i apologize if i did.
You also right we don't thank all the being that help us and we should.
Just want to say that if the world is all good all souls get saved it would be boring i guess but very peaceful and bliss but if the bad one's also are saved.
Devil does not get any souls.So to me that's ok balance or not.To me at least
I hear what your saying and i think there will always be bad souls just human nature.
Actually you can tell people there are devils, it's like, asking them to be cautious. But when explaining devils, don't explain them like evil dark being with dark magical powers. Cos, no normal person can counter back the magic or paranormal, unless they are psychic or something, or get help.

When I tell my friends and family about devils, which I rather call dark beings, while I explain a few facts about dark beings like, they absorb our energy and hate light. Yes, while I explain those true scary facts about them, I also explain dark beings in our perspective, so listeners can see the normal side of it, the everyday life perspective.

Besides being a dark magic being, surely each got their own personality XD and most are annoying jerks, trolls, bullies. So how do you react and respond to jerks and bullies in real life? Surely just ignore, scold, or fight back right?

The same you do with dark beings, they are still like us, just that they are bullies. So once you show your weakness, wrath and being chicken, they will bully you more. You might as well stand your ground and just either ignore, or just shout back. And this is where people pray or summon the protection of light if a dark being (total bully) still doesn't wanna stop harrassing ya.

For my other opinion. You can totally talk with a dark being like a regular person. But don't bother trusting them, in other words, if they tell you to do something which you know is bad, don't do it then. Common sense. And if they mess with your mind, call for light protection again.
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