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Old 20-03-2012, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
Hm. Good post, RiversLady. I have been told what my totem animal is. And what my Cherokee name is, which I somehow feel more reluctuant about sharing than the name given to me by my spirit guide. The spirit who told me what my totem animal was, wrinkled his nose when I asked about my power animal as that concept was dubious according to him - but he indicated an animal even so. But I have no such thing as a spirit animal. I do however know someone who has an animal spirit guide. Are these two the same thing?
No, you don't have to have a spirit animal. I think everyone has some sort of guide though. My family always said guardian angel, as that concept fit with their religion. Some guardians can be ancestors of yours who for some reason have a stake in how you get on in this life. I know of friends and lovers from a past life watching over their loved one.
People who adopt the Native American religious system and who want to find a spirit animal are usually looking for the one they can most empathize with. Sometimes, they get one they weren't looking for. You can't decline if you ask for one.
Just curious and not asking what it is, but how did you get a Cherokee name?
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