Thread: Ascension
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Old 08-07-2018, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Hello Mr G,

Really pleased to hear from you; I was concerned that something had happened but I’m sure you were able to help out your friend, aided by some whisky perhaps!!
Hi there Patrycia

I'm like the wicked with from the Wizard of Oz... "Aaaaarrrrg I'm melting."

This was a different friend. This one is younger and has mental health issues, as far as we can discern from being in care when he was a young child. Very tangled story. He has a chapter in his Life that he's blocked out completely so that's gong to be fun.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
You mean the physical activity or the throwing myself into something 110% as can be my way?[/quote/]Whatever you decide to do it's never done half-heartedly.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Ah, you’ve discovered the ‘stretching on the stair’s trick – works a treat. Mine’s fine now.

But seriously, both of us with the same problem in the same place!!! It reminds me of something that happened back in 2006. I was involved in a car accident after some idiot went into the back of my car when I was stopped at a pedestrian crossing. This was in the day when some cars didn’t have head restraints and I ended up with a severe case of whiplash. I rang a friend and he took me down to casualty to get me checked out. I came home about 8 in the evening and thought about phoning my mum to tell her what had happened but thought it was getting late and I didn’t want her to spend the night worrying, so I left it to the next morning.

When I rang in the morning, she told me that the previous night, she’d had pains in her neck. And that was before she knew about the accident. And then quite a few years later, the experience was reversed when she developed a case of plantar fasciitis and I developed pain in my right foot.
Glad you're on the mend, one less distraction you don't need.

Luckily I haven't had too many serious things happen to me, physically anyway. I was run over and nearly killed when I was a child, but ended up with bruises instead. I ended up best friends with the woman who ran me down's brother-in-law and worked with her hubby, he taught me how to use a capstan lathe. Many years later and the woman and I still talk. Other than that though, nothing serious.

My mother has always known when I'm going through a hard time emotionally or if things aren't all they could be. Very often my father hangs around her to let her know something isn't right, or she'll feel as though something is badly wrong. Just with me it seems, not any of my other three brothers.

I'm also a very strongly emotional guy (yeah, the irony of that) and there were times when I'd been feeling very emotional and Mrs G would come running into the room wondering what was going on. Not so much now because she's learned to understand the reasons but she still feels it. Her hubby was abusive to her and her vertebrae in her neck were damaged beyond repair, and they won't operate in case they end up paralysing her. Not long after she found that out I started having problems with my neck, nothing major but if I was sitting awkwardly or not moving my head enough it would come out with an audible crack.

Empathy is one thing and sometimes it can be all in the mind, but when there's something more physical it's more than coincidence.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I would guess the someone “up there” would be my Nan or my dad, or both. Dad was on the earth plane when it happened and he was my super support, ringing me twice a day. And my Nan, when she comes through in medium readings, has given me support at the level of my spiritual understanding at the time. It’s only taken 13 years but I have finally got there! And as Matt said in one of his recent videos I’ve learned that I can take a hit, a big one, and I survived. And when he said that, it really struck a chord with me, and I actually felt a smidgeon of pride!
I'm getting that you have a strong support network 'up there', focussed on your Nan it seems because there's a very strong female presence there yet she's staying in the background. I also have the feeling there should be a three but that's for you to figure out. They're waiting for you to remember????

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Yes, baggage dropping away is exactly what it feels like.

Do you think that’s what the numbers are? I’ve had two instances where I’ve woken one night at 11.11, then the next night it’s 2.22 and the next 3.33. And that’s happened twice. I asked my guides what the numbers were all about and the reply was ”divine rightness / correctness.“

You’re right, I am experiencing many new spiritual experiences. The other day, I was doing a meditation/relaxation to a chakra CD with singing bowsl and binaural beats. It’s not usual for me to do this, I just felt compelled to do it. When the track reached the throat chakra (one of the chakras severely upset by the trauma) I started spontaneously coughing. And then the next day I discovered I can whistle again! I used to whistle a lot but just lost the ability and now suddenly, I’m whistling away to anything. And the other thing that happened in the meditation was my arms started to lift off the ground about 25 inches, it was though they were being supported by some energy. I’ve never experienced that before. So there’s all kinds of stuff going on.
It's very liberating isn't it, when the **** finally starts to fall way. The broken wings learn to heal.

Enough with the synchronicities already. I used to whistle and sing when I was younger, at one stage I'd just learned to whistle through my teeth and I used to do it so much it was driving my mother nuts. At the time Whistling Jacksmith was on the radio. I stopped for a long time then started to do it again when - strangely enough - I discovered the Celestine Prophecy. I'd gone down to get a copy and there was a pile of books, so I grabbed one. When I'd sat down to read it it was the Experiential Guide. Read the book, do the exercises and learn how it works in your Life. Again the whistling, singing but different song. It was the one about whistling and singing 'til the greenwoods rang and he won the heart of a lady. That was a huge turning point in my Life.

Recently though I've been having a half-hearted whistle to myself, more of a curiosity than anything else.

If you're receiving numbers and the like it's because you're able to, if you weren't able to then you wouldn't receive them. What it means is that you're tuned in at least, and what you do with what comes through is your choice. What you do need to be aware of however is what you do with what you're given, that's what's important. If you're dismissive then it'll stop in time - not just the numbers but everything. You'll tune yourself out of those vibrations, essentially. You're not keen on the established meanings of the numbers, but they can be a guide if nothing else. All of those things are communications of a sort and they'll have meaning for you personally. What Spirit will also do is tap into things that are very much connected with you - like your church bells. Yes they're Christian but if you'd gone past that you would have found that they connected with something deep inside.

Similarly with your numbers. 11:11 is the Ascension number and obviously 2:22 and 3:33 are sequential - and it's the sequence that's important. You sitting comfortably?

the numbers 11:11 mean Ascension, you, what's been happening to you since you started this thread... etc and however you see that. The number 2 is the symbol of peace and unity between two entities - how's your Higher Self doing these days? Is how you think about 'her' any different now to what what it would have been prior to this thread? Good old 3.33, that's the doozy. Three is trinity and while it's Christian they stole it from the Pagans. Three threes is the trinity of trinities. Now then, three is the strongest of all shapes in geometry and the building blocks of all the other shapes. The internal angles are multiples of three. While triangles probably aren't of much use to you they are a good visualisation for understanding. Pagans and quite a few others believe in threes - thrice, threefold, power of three..... and that's what the significance is here. The power of three that's the strongest shape/relationship. There are a lot of threes going on in your life right now.

What I'm getting is 'as it should be', which is another way of saying divine rightness/correctness. What hasn't happened yet is that you haven't quite joined the dots, but you know they're there. There's your Higher Self, your Nan and your dad all 'working together up there'/geometry/related - the three/trinity of them. You are an aspect of your Higher Self as much as your Past Lives are also aspects. Some would call that the Gestalt Reality of the multi-Dimensional Self and the Sufis (amongst others) would call it the Monad. Keeping it as simple as possible you are a trinity - mind, body, Spirit. So, two triangles going head-to-head if you like - dad, Nan, Higher Self and you as in mind, body and Spirit.

I'd like to tell you how I feel but there are no words for it, really. Spaced out would do it. For quite a while I've been feeling the need to make changes but as soon as I start thinking about them, my head falls apart. Literally, I can't even see straight so I've stopped. What has changed though is my perceptions of the rest of the Universe 'out there' and it feels as though it's vibrating at a very different frequency. It's not disconcerting in any way, just curious. People are also reacting to me differently, which is weird too. My home is my sanctuary and I guess what I needed was something that didn't change too drastically, an.... unchanging reference point that I could come back to.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I definitely feel that I’m changing; inside and out. I think the vit B12 is starting to have a real impact and I think being low in this has affected me more than I realised. I’m still getting the occasional low blood sugar event and my guides said there is a link with low B12, so I looked that up and sure enough there is. But I’m no longer going into work with no energy. Plus of course with the lovely hot weather which I’m relishing, I’m getting a good dose of Vit D. The cards are telling me exactly where I am every day, they’re so on the money! I’m constantly also picking the fertility card from the Psychic Tarot and Divine Connection is another frequent one.

Matt’s teachings have gone to a deeper level with me somehow, and I can’t quite explain what I mean by that. The other day I was watching a video and taking about 10 pages of notes but afterwards I couldn’t recollect any words, sentences, nothing. Yet so many of the ones I’d seen months ago, I could still recall well. This really, really bothered and troubled me for several days until my guides finally popped in and said you’re not remembering it because you don’t need that one, you’ve done it; you are living it.

Also, now with what’s happening for him personally that’s triggered other stuff in me that’s come up to be dealt with. I think the quartz crystal is here to help me with some healing to do with the heart and the ananda khanda chakra and I tried to use it the other day but I could feel some resistance in me – so I had a Southern Comfort instead!!

So I know I’ve got some work to do with how to move forward with this but Matt’s helping me with that too plus he’s got the second of two new videos out which I just know there will be some magic words that will show me the way forward. In fact, although I’m really enjoying life at the moment, Saturday morning is where I want to be; in front of the computer, listening, watching, recording, showing me what’s next. It feels like I’m studying at degree level. You know my quality of solid, unswerving, 120% enthusiasm – that’s it, right there on a Saturday morning! It’s one of the characteristics I really like about me, there’s no ‘trying’ to do something, ‘must’ do something, ‘should’ do, etc. When motivation is off the scale like this, it takes no ‘trying’ it has a life of its own. That’s what my running was like!
I've asked Mrs G to get me some B12 supplement to try that, I've been getting all the symptoms so it's worth at try. My diet changed and things started happening from there, and many of the things I'd stopped eating are on the list. Strangely enough I've had a passion for eggs of any kind so maybe my body is trying to tell me something. Maybe it'll help with my digestion, and when I'm getting cold sores in the middle of a heatwave it's time to take notice.

The mind is lazy and likes autopilot, in the way you don't need to concentrate when you're forking food into your mouth or driving your car. After a while the brain does things automatically and we don't give them a second thought - like pushing Matt's teachings into your noggin so hard it has little choice but to become automatic. The mind doesn't need to recall it and it's probably stored in a part of your brain that's locked away because access isn't needed. But then, 'back then' you needed the teachings because you thought you were 'lacking', that you needed them. Now that you're actually living with them not only are you embodying it all you don't have the same need to learn. You don't feel the need any more - not for that particular material anyway. So again, there's another 'indicator' of how far you've come. And give yourself permission to acknowledge at least, if you're not comfortable with the idea of feeling pride.

Part of the Ascension process -probably the whole point - is releasing and dealing with things that we've been holding onto for too long. Vibrations aren't raised by packing your head full of knowledge, vibrations are raised by encompassing, embodying and becoming those things. The trinity of things that you're doing. What also tends to happen is that it opens the floodgates and it can become very silly very quickly as one thing leads to something else and it all comes trooping out.

"You have always been here."
Ambassador for Vorlon,
Babylon 5

Yeah I know, I draw my inspirations from the strangest of places but even those that write sci-fi scripts can be Spiritual too. Your quality of 120% enthusiasm wasn't so much a quality, it was always a deeper part of your core being and that goes a dozen levels deeper than quality. It wasn't - and isn't - just what you had it's who you are/were. Please excuse the tenses mix-up but sometimes they're just the same thing for me.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Yes, I feel that’s what’s happening; I’m clearing stuff physically, mentally, emotionally, I think that’s why I keep selecting the ‘clear the aura’. Also from this new Energy Oracle which I’m growing to really like I’ve selected the ‘Door to Personal Health and Happiness’ a number of times.
Do you have any oracle cards, I’m sensing they’re not quite your thing but may be wrong?
It's actually very natural when you think about it, this Ascension process. As your vibrations change what you resonate with is bound to change as well. If that means letting go of what was holding you back or coming to terms with who or what you are physically, emotionally..... It's all very natural, like puberty for the Soul.

I tend to trust my intuition in the moment and so far it's kept me right. I don't really get messages from the cards, even if I'm using them for a reading they're more of a prop than anything else and everything comes from inside or 'up there'. Out of a mere whim I asked Mrs G to get me some B12, it just felt right. I also looked up some of the symptoms and I tick most of the boxes, but at the same time I'm wary of self-diagnosis. Still, it's not as though B12 is coma-inducing if it's not the right stuff to take so it can't hurt to at least try. This feels like the right time that I need to do things differently somehow, the energies feel right for it. I have two Tarot decks that I haven't used in a while so I might dig them out and see what happens. I've been wearing my dragon crystal again as well, the one I sometimes used to dowse with. It's all indicative of internal/energetic changes.

Did you know unexplained weight loss and lack of strength/energy can be a symptom of low B12?

Acid reflux is not good as it can often accompany other things; been helping someone at work with this who had a hernia as well as Helicobacter pylori. It can be a complicated situation as reflux can be the only symptom but can also be part of a wider issue. B12 can help with acid reflux.

It can be made worse by certain foods such as spicy, fatty and some fruits and pretty much everything is worse if you get stressed. Have you kept a note of what you’re eating and drinking to see if you can identify the trigger? You could try eliminating gluten, dairy for a few weeks (separately).

I can only tell you that going down the allopathic medicine root is not something I would do. Its usual aim is to treat the symptoms, not the cause and can cause more or new problems. The natural way is always better. You may want to take a look at this:

I haven’t been to the vets for years! My approach would be to have the tests, interpret them and then find my own way. Like I was on the verge of going to ask for various tests to track down the low energy levels but it looks like I’ve solved that one myself.

If you want to start the journey of helping yourself, it takes time to research and commitment and finding something that works for you. A good place to start is here:

Reading through the comments at the end is just as educational!

Give the B12 a try because on a separate note, if we’re experiencing similar physical issues, if I’m responding so well to the B12, chances are you could. Just make sure you get a good quality supplement with no artificial sweeteners. This is the one I use
Thank you, I'll have a look at that later but as I've said, it's a done deal. It wouldn't do any harm to have a look anyway. It all looks related because I've cut out some foods that would have led to a B12 deficiency a while ago and all the symptoms seem to be related to that. There are some things that make the acid reflux worse, one of them being the vegetable soup at work, that's a pain because it's a ritual of mine to sneak a cup just before I leave work, it's a rebel ritual. The tomato is pretty ******. I also need to look at when I eat as well, usually I don't have breakfast but that's beginning to change too and I'm thinking of buying cereal or something, I couldn't stomach anything heavier. Other than that my diet is fairly healthy because although I do eat meat I also have plenty of fruit and veg too along the way. I don't drink much coffee any more, about two cups per day. There's nothing that I can pinpoint exactly, it feels as though it's more of a general build-up through the day and it happens no matter what I eat.

There's a part of me that's simply had enough and it goes down to the Soul level. It's not depression or anything like that, it's a complete lack of enthusiasm for anything at all. It's feeling as though it's the last long mile that I need to get through. On a more moving-on note Mrs G and I did some research into supplements and she'll be getting me those as of tomorrow, so I'll be stuffing my chops with pills.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I thought I don’t ever want to work for a jerk of a manager again! And actually the three managers I’ve worked for at my current place of six years, have been the nicest managers to work for. One of the main reason for me staying.
Sometimes we gain as much from the bad guys as we do the good guys.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Everything feels really different at the moment, inside, outside physically, the weather, the lot!
It feels like a different Universe, as though the core frequencies have changed somehow.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I guess we’ll have to let the universe show us and, as my guides are so fond of saying, let it unfold!
That's the fun part.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Well that must have been me then sorry about that!!

That song is really significant for me by association. I was 13 when it was released and I was getting bullied quite badly by a local neighbour boy. I dreaded the walk home from school in case he should appear and he used to spy on me playing in the garden. So one day I told the boy next door about it, as we were good friends. Then one day shortly after, I recall it so clearly, I was in the upstairs room listening to the radio, 10CC Life is a Minestrone - looking down into next door’s driveway and the boy next door had cornered and was standing over the bully boy and hit him a few times. I just knew at the time, this was about me. And so it was, as he never bothered me again. But whenever I hear that song, I can see it all so clearly in my mind.
Beyond synchronicity????

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I don’t know that track but I think it’s the same singer as in this one, which is also significant for me, beginning of 80’s :

That was the track I was going to link you to initially but somehow the other one seemed more pertinent. Anyway, the same singer. Jon Anderson used to be in a band called Yes for many years, they were one of the pioneers of progressive rock and a collection of the greatest musicians of their time. He also met Vangelis around the same time and Vangelis worked with Yes for a few weeks, they wanted to replace Rick Wakeman. It didn't happen because the music is very different. I still have a few Yes cassettes, including their very first one - probably collectors pieces by now. I remember seeing Anderson on TOTP and trying to work out what the hell he was doing with that stupid ukulele he was strumming away at, it didn't seem to work with Vangelis' keyboards. Still, I have everything the two of them ever did. Donna Summer covered their State of Independence with Gorgio Moroder and had a huge disco hit. I always wondered how it might have sounded with Vangelis' music and Donna Summer's vocals.
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