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Old 10-08-2017, 01:24 PM
Alex E Alex E is offline
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 36
Taichi chuan is an internal martial art. Internal means it is a form of subtle qi gong, that is, of...? For your information, hard martial arts practice hard qi gong.

Qi Gong is often described as "energy work". Though it is very broad and can go much further than "energy work". It actually includes very dense aspects, and much subtle ones.

Taichi includes all those. It goes from very dense to very subtle. But it is a martial art. That means to reach a high level in the complete approach of it, you have to fight, just like in any other martial art.

Qi Gong has mainly 4 aspects: medical(therapeutic), health(preventive), martial(a form of dense magic), and spiritual(to attain illumination).
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