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Old 03-07-2019, 06:32 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Altair
It's confusing to figure out the ''planet that rules you''..

I read that Sun is whom you are outwardly, the Moon is your emotions and your inner workings, and ascendant is how others see you..
I don't really see how the Sun is generally seen as more important than the Moon in all of this. Can anyone explain??

There are different explanations, but I go with the idea that the Sun indicates personality traits and personal identity and expression, the Moon relates to feelings and emotional responses, and the Ascendant indicates Soul purpose for the incarnation. The ruling planet is the planet which rules the Ascendant.

The Sun is therefore more important than the Moon, because the Sun indicates the personality as a whole whereas the Moon indicates one aspect of the personality.

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