Thread: Shaddow men
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Old 26-07-2017, 10:12 AM
neil neil is offline
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Originally Posted by SaturninePluto
Well I just saw my first frontal view of a shadow person, or whatever it was.

I am unsure, and left confused.

I had simply closed my eyes to rest them, was not sleeping, sleeping was not even my intent. As soon as I closed my eyes I ended up within a state-meditative journeying. Describing the journey will take too long, but the key elements, as my journeying continued I began to get a sense of fear, as usual there was not much control of any imagery or scenery.

The journey I noticed was taking quite a bit of time and I was wondering why this was. Towards a part of my journey I felt like going onward within the state, but heard a voice, or maybe thought? State to wake up right now. And again right now.

When I opened my eyes they fell upon my window and there floating in was the form of a humanoid shadow- a bit transparent but very dark, seeming to float forward and into the room. Upon noticing I was staring head at it, it took noticed and floated back out of the wall and the room.

I felt at a point during the journeying that my hand was being held onto. I went over to lay down and felt like what felt like nails on my wrist and soon after my shorts being tugged on. Shortly after that I thought I had heard a voice say to go to hell, but I am not entirely sure there.

My thoughts after that is where the fear dissipated when I realized I really don't hold faith to any hell, and my after thought was sure! Why not? It isn't as if I believe I would go to such a place. And then my thought was why would something say that?

I have seen shadow people before though running through a wall at quick speed, or up the stairway, never so slowly and front on.

This wasn't expected. Though not surprising.

I have heard essentially the same theories about them. I do not hold to any specific one.

about you hearing the words..."go to hell"....those words may not have been directed at you, a lot of beings do travel in small or large groups, and one being may have said those words to another being, other than your self, and you probably picked up on it.

And, as well, the fear that you were feeling, more than likely was projected to or at you, so that you would believe that you were in a state of fear, to go with and be apart of the feeling of nails around your wrist and your shorts being tugged on.
But no matter what goes on around our self, if you start to feel fear wash through you, ignore it, because I can assure you that it will not be your fear, it will be as I said projected at you.

Regards neil.
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