Thread: Getting Toned
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Old 29-01-2015, 05:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BlueClover
Yoga and pilates give you a nice toned looked. I am a weight free person, I feel using weights bulk me up, and I don't like that look ( I am very pettie). Maybe try a plank challenge? So easy to do at home, very challenging!

I have never tried yoga and pilates before. I wonder if I am missing out because I also tend to bulk a little easily whenever I lift weights or use resistance bands and I've always loved that sex symbol look where a woman is tight, toned, but still maintains sexy curves. I hate that the exercising community is extremely masculine and honestly, I hate the whole "women should lift weights hurr durr you'll never bulk up or look manly" when I know women like me who do? I don't know, no disrespect to people out there who love that buff look, but it's just not for me.
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