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Old 12-09-2017, 12:01 AM
linen53 linen53 is offline
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Originally Posted by organic born
Many of your conclusions used to be my conclusions but I no longer view things with these assumptions in mind. I no longer consider reincarnation actively, I no longer think in terms of young and old souls, I no longer consider karma in the ways that I used to... meanwhile, I easily agree with living life by ones intuitive gut instincts, we are both on the same page with this one. :)

The problem with the others above stem from the assumption that we would know enough, mentally, in order to 'categorize' with some accuracy. Our mental state is limited to this particular lifetime. Any assumptions that we'd make would be thusly limited as well. I remember aspects of previous lives, but this doesn't help me with the deeper implications of what that life was intended to address, so to gain insight into this life, based on another, tends to assume that we understand what isn't at all physical.

The old soul and young soul determinations made me feel good about myself for awhile, because I instantly defined myself as the older soul version when clearly I have very little understanding as to what fully exists outside of this current strickly-humanized experience. I would be basing my assumptions within limited and self serving ways.

And the term Karma could easily be a result of our human propensity to view ourselves and others in a hierarchical way. Good karma leads to good things? Bad karma leads to bad? I've seen plenty of good people having really hard times, and nasty low-lives who seem to fare fairly well. As a workable thesis, I think the term karma is a wash. We can fabricate an idea of what karma may be but it will only reflect our current definitions as they stand.

I found that in dropping the terminology I'm left more open to what's squarely in front of me. I don't have to understand what I can't possibly comprehend. This leaves me freer to adjust to the moment with much greater flexibility.

I no longer nurture a belief structure, outside of the raw outline that's required for functionality.

If we know 'that we are guessing' then the pressure is off to come up with a scenario that we then need to sell both to ourselves and to others. We can simply relax and be quiet, flexibly adapting to each moment as it arises spontaneously. Anything else feels contrived.

A belief in "nothing" sounds odd, until we start doing it.
With few pre-conditions each interaction presents itself in a fresh and newly composed way. Life becomes boring if we fit things into boxes, let them run free and they magically compose the most unpredictable music. :)

The key to a variably-in-tones may be found in our openness. While it's inherently hard to be genuinely open when we think we know more than we do.

There is sooo much I don't know and don't feel inclined to construct a paradigm aka "box" to put them in and I feel free in my non-definition of these things. I think I've gotten to the point of "it just doesn't matter". It will take care of itself when I arrive there. And like you said, we only have the mind of this incarnation to work with. I will say though, that my gut tells me there is much more than we can ever imagine. Layers, upon layers of possibilities out there. What they are I don't know and again, not to sound redundant, I don't care to define them. I just know I'm in good hands and will be taken care of (another gut feeling).

Whenever I read an author on spiritual matters that uses fear as a hook I close that book and donate it to the nearest thrift store. I've gotten this far and still standing, I'm sure I will make it the rest of the way just fine, bruises and bumps included.

You did mention the notion of convincing ourselves and "others". I'd like to concentrate on the "others". I don't try to change another person or their way of thinking. It's my opinion that we all weave ourselves through lifetime after lifetime, picking up tidbits of information here and there, experiencing this and that and pretty much define our own spirituality on our own as we go, having a little fun along the way. No one person is going to give me that big WOW! moment. And my WOW moment might be different than yours. I've had a lot of wows! so far but not the big one if there is such a thing.

I guess I feel triumphant because I'm 64 years old and have made it through the worse that I came here to learn. I could have failed but I didn't and for that I am very happy and grateful because I put a lot on my plate this time around.
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