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Old 24-08-2013, 07:00 PM
Tati Tati
Posts: n/a
Angel1 Lived Well ~~Ready to Sleep~~ Ready to Die ~~

Lived Well ~~ Ready to Sleep ~~ Ready to Die ~~

It's So Lovely When It's time For Bed-Sleeping Time~~
to be happy to let go of any Activity ~~~
because you feel so Satisfied ~~
so overflowing of lovely energies~~~
because your day was Filled with CHOICES
you LOVED ,
because your day was Full of Experiences You LOVED~~~
Full of your Wonderful Creations and Activities.
It's so Beautiful for the body and mind to Crave Sleep
~~~~~ <3 ~~~~~~~~~
With no Worries about the future to Torture the Mind~~~~~
With no Unfulfilled Desires to keep the Mind Awake at Night~~~~~
With no Painful Memories to keep away Sleep~~~~~
(~((~(~(~Only lovely Peaceful Sleep~)~)~)~)))~
How much Alike is Sleep and Death~~~ !!!!!
If you can TOTALLY Let your Being LIVE-ENJOY the WHOLE Day ,
then you will LOVE letting go of the Day at the Night and Sleep Well <3
The same way,
you will naturally accept Death-Dying ~~~
there will be no fear of Death~~~
you will naturally Love to Let go of this Life ~~~~
Because you DID enough ,
because you LIVED enough ,
Because you DID create a Life you Adored Living ~~ <3
Because you have found Your Reason to be Here~~~ <3
Your Divine Purpose and Mission~~~~~ <3
Because you have Awakened your Inner Wisdom
and Abilities ,
becaused you have Discovered
and Used All your Gifts and Talents ~~~~ <3
So Full of Life~~~ = ~~ Ready to Die ~~~~
*~((~((~(~(~((~ May Everyone Have a Good Night ~))~)~)~)~)~))
~(~(~ ~~~> Remember your Inner Power of Creativity <~~~ ~)~)~
~~(~((~~(~((~(~(~( USE IT <3 )~~)~)~)~)~))~)~))~~
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