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Old 17-02-2017, 04:18 PM
dattaseva dattaseva is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 135
Hahaha, your approach is indeed a good way to thwart fraudsters/delusional claims on the internet. I rarely get the chance to meet the Swami, but if I do, I'll definitely ask Him about your question.

However, I must tell you that the Swami never shows His miraculous powers unless there is some level of deservingness on the part of the person to whom the miracle is being shown.

When the Lord exposes Himself as the source of all the infinite supernatural powers, all the people will run to Him with the same speed and will sacrifice to their maximum. In such a case, you cannot differentiate the real devotee from a fraud devotee. The reason is that the supernatural power attracts all the people with equal force.

When acids are dissolved in water, they show equal strengths because water, being a highly polar solvent, attracts the hydrogen ions from all acids equally so that their extent of ionization becomes same. The strong acid cannot be differentiated from a weak acid. This is called as the leveling effect. When the same acids are dissolved in glacial acetic acid, which is a weak solvent, the acids will ionize to different extents as per their inherent nature.

When an important government official asks for some amount of money, all the merchants will run to him with equal speed and give that amount. In this case you cannot differentiate the real donor from the real greedy merchant. But when a beggar begs for some money, a real donor donates whereas a greedy person refuses. The real nature of the individuals comes out only in the case of the beggar. Similarly, when God comes in human form and exhibits super natural powers, all the people rush to Him with equal speed and show equal love for God. [Of course God cannot be fooled in this way. He exactly knows who the real devotee is and who the selfish devotee is since He is all-knowing].

Even if God recognizes the real devotee by His all-knowing power and rewards him, the other devotees will find fault with God. They will argue that even though the extent of devotion of all devotees was equal, and that the Lord showed partiality. Therefore, God in human form will not exhibit miracles and will exhibit only His inseparable special knowledge, which projects Him only as a Guru [Teacher] and not as Bhagavan [God]. Datta means God donated to the devotees in human form. His right half is Guru and the left half is Bhagavan. Only the right half is projected and the left half is hidden. Only in this case can the real devotees be filtered.

The Lord in human form will try as far as possible to avoid performing miracles. People are attracted by miracles. They approach Him and pressurize Him to do miracles for the sake of their selfishness. They will exploit the Lord for their selfish benefits. This too leads to the violation of the law of karma. There is another important reason why the Lord does not do miracles. If He did a lot of miracles then everyone would believe that He is the Lord. However if He rarely performed miracles or not performed any, then the faith of those who claim to be His devotees would be tested.

Only the real devotee will believe in Him, when the Lord does no miracles. This devotee identifies the Lord based on His essential characteristic of Divine Knowledge. He does not care for any miracles. He does not aspire for any benefit from the Lord. He does not expect the Lord to violate the law of karma for His sake and last of all he will not tolerate that the Lord should suffer for his sins. He will only focus on serving the Lord through his own efforts (sacrifice of work for the Lord) and wealth (sacrificing the fruit of work for the Lord).

If the Lord in human form performs many miracles, then it would be only too obvious to people that He is the Lord. Then they would serve Him even if their faith were not total. There would be no way of differentiating a true devotee from a pretender. The answer to a mathematical problem in an examination is never revealed. If it were revealed, then all students would score cent percent marks. There would be no way of distinguishing and rewarding the good students.

However if the Lord were to totally behave like a human being, then no one would pass the test. No one would be ever be able to identify Him. Therefore He reveals Himself partially. It is like a hint given to solve a mathematical problem. He appears as a mixture of man and God. Thus some people are able to identify Him and pass the test while others are unable to identify Him and fail the test. He behaves like God in order to attract people to Him. Then He behaves like an ordinary human being to filter out false devotees.

False human incarnations hurdles in the spiritual path; they will trap you for the reason of their own income and fame. Of course, these false incarnations are based on the will of God only. He tests your scriptural knowledge by which alone you have to identify the real human incarnation. They are just like the wrong answers present in a multiple-choice question. The same examiner, who gives the right answer, creates the wrong answers also to test the power of your discrimination. Proper discrimination results only if you digest scriptural knowledge with perfect logical analysis. Only then can you eliminate the fraud incarnations like wrong answers.

Poundraka Vasudeva was such a false incarnation, who looked like Narayana, wearing the same dress and bearing the same weapons. Krishna did not have the same dress since He wore His own special peacock feather on His head. Instead of weapons, He carried a flute. Both these are not worn by Lord Narayana. The main identification of Lord Krishna is only the Gita. The Veda says that the Lord is characterized by His own special divine knowledge, which cannot be preached by any other human being in that generation (Satyam, Jnanam…,Prajnanam Brahma).

The fraud incarnations are like artificial diamonds, which resemble the original diamond in many properties. The artificial diamonds glitter with seven colors just like the original diamond. But, the refractive index of the original diamond is very high and a scientist alone can identify it. The false incarnations also preach knowledge. But the power of the knowledge of the real incarnation is very very high. You, aided with your intellectual logical faculty (Buddhi), can only be convinced and freed from all doubts by such special divine knowledge (Prajnanam…).

That said, I will ask the Swami about your question whenever it's possible and get back to you with His reply.
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