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Old 03-07-2018, 09:41 PM
Compendium Compendium is offline
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Posts: 374
I think it is possible, but the future is not set in stone everything can be changed. Spirit may have communicated this to you as a means to simply be aware of your health and keep up on physicals and routine exams. I dont believe under any circumstances one should simply say oh well and accept it and that includes terminal illness. Too many people defy death. My Grandmother was terminally ill for thirty years. She just refused to accept the time limits the cancer put on her body. She lasted so long with cancer she reached her max lifetime limit of radiation and chemotherapy and still hung on for several years after. Hope and belief goes a very long way in the dying process of the physical body. Dont dwell on this too much you create what you think about.

In reference to what others have said about it being a metaphor that is so very true. When Spirit speaks to us they show us in terms we can understand. So by showing you your death could very well be a close to a part of your life and the beginning of a new part.

MH it has been recorded of people seeing their deaths and it coming to fruition so it is likely.

Remember: This life is only temporary so make the most of it
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