Thread: A boy?
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Old 26-05-2006, 12:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Let's make use of a definition here. And the word to be defined is the word 'definition'. If a thing is defined by words which make up a process of description then, the definition or description has been dualistically and abstractedly 'split' from it's own simple and obvious reality. Ad to this abstraction by attempting to put an abstractor or definer in the mix and another 'split' has occured. So the equation could be 'Abstractx2'. Now, picking up a banana, feeling its weight, shape, smelling it and actually tasting it is ever so slightly immediate, as opposed a person describing that to another person using 'Abstactx2' formulated words. Now, my taste of 'banana' cannot be had by you, but we can both agree that it's a lot easier to maybe understand from the direct experience of taste, than it is a worded debate about a description of doing that. And the wonderful thing is, whether experienced or described; this space or emptiness allowed both the actual and abstracted to happen. So you can see that discussions of 'true' or 'top banana', or the best way to approach the actual eating of that, are as slippery as the skin you cast over your shoulder. Another thing could be to simply recognise that the thought "I am actually and really eating this banana" has no taste! As sensational as life is, and ofcourse it is, using the word 'emptiness' or 'fullness' to describe anything in life is simply a definition unless there is a characterised attachment to what it might mean or not mean. So if the character doesn't like a word because of what that word implies for them, then who is it exactly that is stuck to an abstraced word other than an abstracted character themselves?

Let me be the first to say that that is a load of old bollocks and not necessarily something to be believed by the reader...simply, and actually...test it for yourself! careful where you throw the skin though, as it is the tendancy of characters to easily and comically slip on that which is so quickly and readily discarded!

