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Old 13-04-2012, 01:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Mind's Eye
I agree... It seems that the term "enlightened" has taken on a very different meaning in the modern age, and I'm not sure that I agree with it at all. I don't think that the spiritual way was meant to be so airy and passive that it never takes a stand on what is right, wrong, correct or incorrect action. We as human beings in this plain of existence have choices to make; we just can't shrug everything off as being different paths for different individuals. I have read schools of thought where people who think this way say that pedophiles have a right to their desires and path as well... I think this kind of philosophy is crossing the line into some very dark territories and it will not lead its followers anywhere good.

I agree and think that the spiritual way started out very well as a system to guide society and wonder if those that created the concept would be shocked and appauled that it has been twisted in such a way as it has been by some.

As much as i have been annoyed by the door knockers and the preachers i can trully understand why some go this length to stand up and voice their concerns for the welfare of us all. Was this the not the sole intention of creating the concept of spirituality?

The commandments are pretty straight forward.

Thou shalt not murder, does this include murdering yourself?

Thou shalt not steal. Does this include stealing the innocence of a young childs trust? There are no commandment that i would not break to stop such a monster from getting to my children.

I agree, the curious human brain is its own enemy at times and if let to wander unguided can be deadly. Look at what we have learnt from early cultures. I based a meditation on human sacrifice to better understand it and this is what i found:

Way back, a spiritual leader recieved a message from spirit saying that if you want to get closer to god then you need to offer up human sacrifice. The ego of the human assumed that it has nothing to do with them personally and the person offers up another person as the sacrifice and the blood letting begins. If the human brain wasnt its own enemy the person may have interpreted the message as needing to give of themselves selflessly and make sacrifices in their own life and serve it to humanity, and inturn be closer to god. Thankfully some person realised that taking a life and/or giving up your own life was wrong, even for a spiritual cause and the murder ceased but they were still worried that there could be some truth in the blood letting so just incase they opted to offer up the blood of a tree, Frankincense and Myrrh were the bloods of choice to be burnt. This for me explains how these bloods became 2 of the gifts given to jesus by 2 of the three wise men put at the feet of jesus. The third was gold, the energy of the the new way of thinking, the new religion.

Anyway getting back on topic it is pretty clear to me that there is overwhelming support for making healthy resources available for those that are considering suicide. Enough that i feel comfortable passing on the suggestion that SF consider introducing a subsection for those needing help when faced with the common train of thought that leads them to consider taking their own life.
Also that there are thread options for those facing this to be able to voice their need for help. I for one would be honored and privilaged to participate in helping those affected see a brighter side to life and help encourage them toward speaking with professionals that can assist in ways that those of us without the nescessary quailifications cannot.
Also a set of standards and consequences for members to adhere by.

Thanks guys and a big thankyou to you sumrwind,
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