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Old 28-01-2019, 06:22 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
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My dogs are on grain free kibble as well as expensive canned food. No grains. Canines and felines are meat eaters. There was a study not to long ago that said feeding your dogs peas and potatoes causes serious health issues. And for the past X number of years manufacturers have been using them as fillers (because they are cheap). So I embarked on a mission to fine a whole meat based kibble and canned dog food for them. Orijen makes the very best kibble for my dogs and they absolutely love it. Each dog gets one can of food a day. It's more of a good girl award. Both are work dogs. They are livestock guardian dogs and are extremely active in keeping varmints away from the ducks.

Cats too are on a grain free diet. And no peas, carrots, potatoes or 'stews'. If i am going to feed them canned food it's going to be whole meat. Humans think their pets need vegetables but canines and felines are not omnivores, they are carnivores. All of this is necessary due to keeping me away from grains as much as possible. Cats have their own personality. One of my cats prefers the canned food the other the kibble. And from past experience I've learned you can't 'force' a cat to eat what you want. They will just stop eating...for days at a time. Not good. They get what they want now.

Now my ducks are on grain. That's what ducks eat. But I have them on a good blend that is a little bit of corn and many other grains for a well balanced diet. Plus they are free range during the day so they can pick up bugs and eat grass as well. That's the big problems with me is doling out their grain each day. But they are not lap animals so I don't get close to them and only a few will allow me to pet them. Of course it's wash the hands thoroughly afterwards.

Lol as far as my surgeries. They need to be done. One knee has been injured so many times (a tendon and a ligament) it is crippled. Knee replacement. Not repair. Repair doesn't guarantee the problem will get fixed and actually knee surgery to repair is much more painful than replacement and takes longer to heal. Plus I don't have any cartilage in the knee anymore. And once it's gone the body replaces the cartilage with bone spurs. Not more cartilage. No supplement will help though there are many advertisements out there claiming they can.

Second surgery is for a inguinal hernia. It's where the intestines actually go down into the hernia area. It can choke off the intestine and cause excruciating pain and eventually kill the loop of intestine that is caught in hernia area. I wear a belt to hold my intestines where they need to be. There is no natural remedy to fix this problem.

Sapphirez as the body gets older it's ability to heal decreases. We have more free radicals, less t cells to fight infection, less calcium absorption, less HGH and IGF-1 to heal. All the claims out there that you can take a supplement to increase any of the things I've listed above is just bogus. It's part of the aging process that will eventually lead to death.

I know we believe different here. You believe all sickness and disease can be healed. I don't. I accept that I am limited because my body does not function as it did when I was younger. Even 10 years ago. And I don't want to go on living beyond when my body ceases to function well. I am not afraid of dying. I think of it as freeing myself from a worn out body that served me well to learn the lessons I came here to learn in this lifetime.

Cat hair is not fun. My cats are almost 14 years old now. And with age comes the inability to pass hair balls. I've tried them on the ointments for hair balls and they just can't handle the ointments. And I've tried everything including organics that are less oil based, using instead, salmon oil. It's just heartbreaking to see them trying to manage it. And they don't work! Their bodes are also failing as they get older. I brush them often and do the best I can to make their life more comfortable until it's time for them to go to The Big Cat Scratching Post in the Sky.

Many people "claim" this or that is helping them. I've bought into certain products and natural remedies and in the end found no change in results. So I'm done going down that avenue.
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