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Old 19-05-2017, 02:47 AM
Seawolf Seawolf is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
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The mind can be disconnected from the body, like being 'lost in negative thoughts' and becoms numb to body sensations. Shamanic cultures referred to this as becoming separated from the soul, which was usually in relation to some traumatic event. This is the basis for what we call psychiatric disorders today. It happens initially because the mind is trying to protect us from harm.

In modern times we use words like disassociation to describe this 'separated soul' phenonmenon. Usually we're not even aware we're doing it, until we start to practice getting back into the body with things like meditation.

Getting into the now is really about becoming aware of the body. Some people call it 'grounding'. This is the foundation of beginning to heal the past. The body stores emotional pain from the past, according to research.
"Just came back from the storm." -Jimi Hendrix
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