Thread: I want to die.
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Old 06-06-2017, 04:02 AM
TheDivineOne TheDivineOne is offline
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Posts: 68
Hi, Anditmakesmewonder!

Yes, i remember we spoke on here before. In fact i smiled and perked up when i saw you'd replied to my thread.

At any rate, the thing about it is sometimes in going through the plights and hardships we go through we all have our weak moments. When i started this thread i was at mine.

As for this:
what happens if this adds to your karma and in your next supposedly happy life you then become sick and die in an early age as your wish plays out?

As i read that part, i actually said to myself, "Oh, nooooooo!" Can't have that!

*sighs* But you know what though? This is a prime example of why a part of me wants to not only be female in my next life but to rack up the best possible karma for myself so then my next life is full of positivity and a lot less challenges... that are not as difficult. I keep telling myself if i just face this head-on and tackle this challenge for whatever it's worth then that will -- at the very least -- exponentially heighten the chances of getting what i want in my next life and with as little hardships as possible. That has become my goal in this life: face this head-on and rack up good karma for my next life.

I don't remember if i told you this when we were PM'ing each other but while i do agree that souls themselves don't have gender (do souls even need to reproduce in the Spirit World, anyway?) i do think that at the very least some of us have a gender preference or a masculine or feminine way of being. Logically speaking, aside from a pre-birth decision made on my part that turned out to not be pleasant in the long run, i think either a mismatch of a feminine soul in a male body or vice versa and/or having been one gender (the preferred gender) in a past life and now a different one in the life that follows is a perfect explanation as for why and how people are transgender.

I'm not claiming to know all the answers, nor even to my own life or why i have this life, much less about gender and reincarnation, but i personally think that the point of this current life of mine was possibly to learn to appreciate being a woman for all and everything it's worth and to not take it for granted.

What did you mean when you said i can still "start you life over in this lifetime?"

Lastly, i had been thinking about you in the not-too-distant past and hope you've been feeling better since we last spoke. It seems we're going through this together and so if you need someone to talk to and think that certain someone is me, please do not hesitate to PM me.

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