Thread: Does God exist
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Old 18-09-2015, 06:17 AM
ianalexanderr ianalexanderr is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 241
God is pure existence made self-aware. Before pure existence became self-aware, it just was. It was, free of identity, label, conditions - no time, no space, no-thing. The kabbalists call it "Ain Sof" the Chinese call it "Wu-chi".

So what you have is Pure existence; ie nothing.
Pure existence made self aware; God.
God learned to escape isolation by transcending the condition of separateness, and created Unity.
Unity allowed the existence of something independent from God yet at the same time one with him - this was the beginning of duality/the universe/other beings.

Therefore God wasn't created. He emerged, he woke up. Think of when you wake up in the morning, what causes your awareness to emerge from slumber and converge into your waking state? It just happens. God in a sense woke up. Conditions converged for self awareness.
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