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Old 20-07-2016, 05:10 PM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
At this point, I'd say it's all conjecture, Still Waters. We who have these experiences seem to come back with the same understanding: unconditional love is the most important thing. What and who we see varies greatly (God, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Mohamed, a relative, friend or even animals, etc....if anyone/anything) . Could it be that this is the reality in that other dimension, that "heaven" really is a place of perfection answering to each of our ideals? I wonder if the reason for this is that our consciousness hasn't completely been freed of the ego, which won't happen until our trip to the other side is final in that the spirit will not return to body it just left, so the ego still has it's influence. But, who really knows, and how do we know whomever says what is what is correct? I think we're a long way from there...we're really just beginning to wake up. In sharing and searching maybe we can wake each other up.
Just my thoughts, anyway.
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