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Old 25-05-2019, 01:36 PM
Posts: n/a

When I started my path back in high school when my friend introduced me to Wicca I remember looking through online for random spells to get started. I recall seeing a weather spell to bring forth a light rain shower by mere incantation. However, I do remember the incantation could turn the weather into a thunderstorm if I continue to say the words out loud while raising the energy. My friend told me prior to searching random spells that one should never control the weather or change it. His words were stuck in my head so I've never said the incantation. Further along the path, Hecate doesn't approve manipulating the weather or changing the seasons.

I've read or heard somewhere online that fundamentalists blamed witches for thunderstorms. Especially farmers where their crops would be destroyed. Not sure if this is accurate but I do recall reading it.

As far as we all can control an element, I suppose we can, but I'd say it takes practice. I've heard about fire bending using a candle. It's bending the candle flame by using your energy and will. I'm sure there's other ways to control fire. You'd have to look through online to view similar practices using the other elements. But I'd say start connecting with each element first. Sit next to a tree or meditate. Be still. You can hold a rock. The point is to connect with earth. Same for air. Stand tall and move your arms like the leaves of a tree when the wind blows. And for water. Soak in the rain outside or bathe or shower indoors if you like. Lastly, fire is easily felt through the sun or a candle flame. Gaze in the candle flame. Feel the energy. Connect with the fire.

So how do you control the wind?

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