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Old 02-12-2018, 07:06 PM
SimpleMan SimpleMan is offline
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 466
No, there are also demons, you may hear them called with the name "low-vibration entities", if I am not mistaken, this is how new age imovement is calling them.Last night I had an OBE and I met two beings, the first one had a humanoid shape and it tried to catch me, I felt its intentions.The other being was a girl, her name was "Amanda" ( she told me ) and she was there to help me, anyway, I am very skeptical, why? Every single time I met a deamon in my dreams, and I've met many, there's no natural light, everywhere is darkeness, there's only artificial light.So, there was a complete darkness in this OBE that I had last night, even more, "Amanda" was surrounded by darkness too.There was no light, only artificial light, so, I don't buy that she was there to help me, maybe to trick me.So, think about your nightmares, now, next time when you meet an entity or more, look for clues ( no natural light, only artificial light, darkness everywhere and so on ).

Some years ago I had an accident, then, I tried to seek help at a bar, there I was welcomed by the seller, but next to her, at one feat distance, there where three demons, their faces where black and melting down, they where laughing at me, laughing because I was so close to die, I "fell" from a moving train... Everything I said it's true... but people still don't believe me... The seller was a normal human being, but she was really scared ( I had blood on my face )... so my mind could not play tricks to me because she was normal but the other three were not, they were demons, I ran away without even thinking to ask for help...
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