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Old 06-07-2018, 04:37 AM
Compendium Compendium is offline
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Posts: 374
In search of myself

This existential question has been bothering me recently. 2 weeks before my 37th birthday it was like someone flipped a switch in my brain. All of a sudden I was compelled to make a pendulum. I have never desired divination and I feel if those who have passed wanted to talk they would. So I figured it was my guides communicating this desire. I asked which crystals to use and I was given a list. Anyways when I started reflecting on what had changed, what caused this switch to flip and I came to realize my trauma from childhood had finally resolved and a new chapter was starting in my life. With all of this came this overwhelming desire to know who I am. I have always felt I was here for a reason and I desperatly wanted to know what and why.

I know I am a lightworker and a healer, but this didnt put me at ease like the puzzle had been solved. Finally tonight I came across a list of attributes with hybrids listed and blended realms and there is where I think I found my answer. A Mystic Angel which is a blend of an incarnate Angel and a Wise One who has incarnated many times. It resonated deep within my soul and finally I feel that sense of ease.

Has anyone else heard of this or maybe is one? Insight would be helpful any at all at this point. I have this strong desire to learn Reiki, but I am unsure if this is going to be all I need to learn as there are so many types of healing modalities. Anyways thank you for reading this and sharing any insights you have.

Remember: This life is only temporary so make the most of it
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