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Old 05-10-2010, 05:10 PM
Posts: n/a
hello friend Lynn,
I have had several encounters with nature spirits and most of them have been very rewarding.
My first took place in a small Scottish glen which was remote and hidden from view until one actually arrived in it. It was called Bal Haan. I would sit by a waterfall feeding into a small rock pool. One day I became aware of a figure standing in the stream which led from the pool. The figure was female, about five feet high and impossibly slim. I use the word slim rather than thin becasue there was great grace and beauty in her form. She wore a silvery blue dress which seemed almost misty. After a few minutes she simply faded away.
Several weeks later I was at a social gathering and got into a conversation with a professor who's speciality was Scottish folk law and legend. For some reason the conversation got round to remote glens and the professor said and I quote, "Now Bal Haan, that's one place I would never go to. Translated into English the name means place of the water spirit." I had not mentioned my vision and I never did.
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