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Old 13-02-2019, 02:36 PM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
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Posts: 987
Well first I would say that I don't look at tfs the same as what most probably do, or how it is generally thought of. Also, you forgot or maybe you don't know, that besides the wait to meet, most go through a long separation after meeting. That is where they say, some don't come back together in this lifetime. But the separation after meeting seems to almost always happen.
That's because you have to reach a certain point of growth before meeting (to even handle it). Then you are pushed into even deeper and further growth after meeting, which is so difficult that almost all twins separate for a long period of time.
So the reason for the wait and the following separation, is that you must be at a certain growth level. Which is why I saw I don't look at the purpose of it as what is probably generally thought of. It's not about meeting "the one" or meeting someone to settle down and spend your life with. It's about growth.

I'm pretty skeptical that guides are working to bring us into romantic relationships, as this isn't really the purpose of living a life on Earth. Guides are working to help further our growth. The wishful thinking comes into it when people try to turn these soul connections into "the one" (which doesn't really exist). That is really just deeply ingrained programming that is put upon us from the time we are babies.
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