Thread: 3 horses dream
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Old 16-02-2018, 03:11 PM
Michelle11 Michelle11 is offline
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Horses can be symbolic for strength, power, endurance and freedom. I suspect the dream may be your efforts to mainly focus on those aspects. You are trying to keep the dark out by being strong and powerful. It's understandable when we don't know how else to protect ourselves but eventually the dark will have to be faced or in other words felt and processed. You will likely use your strength and power to get through the dark but you do have to let it in for it to be healed for good. True freedom from the things in life that haunt us comes from confronting the pain not arming ourselves against it. sounds like you are embracing your strength. That's a good thing but do you sense a tendency to try to avoid feeling bad or sad by simply being strong? If so it may be holding you back from healing your shadow side. Know you are strong enough to tolerate feeling bad. The horse energy will help you through but staying in the bubble won't help you get true freedom. Use the horses to help you break past the bubble and the darkness beyond not stay trapped in needing to be strong all the time.
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