Thread: 100 % proof
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Old 08-04-2013, 11:52 PM
forests rammac
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by StephenK
You experience "physical matter" and yet it doesn't exist.

It does exist, I kicked the cat, ask her if she doesn't exist.

.. science has reduced its description of physical matter to that of frozen light or condensed sound... but it isn't a solid... the primary scientific theories now hover around the concept of this reality being more akin to a hologram... and yet your experience keeps telling you that all this is solid... perhaps you may wish to revisit this "won't be experiencing" assumption... :^)

I'm not being obtuse. the point is the evidence is personal as per Leslie Flint's own definition. No personal evidence, nada evidentiality.

Personally I have no evidence of spirits or afterlife or mediums that aren't frauds.

Until I do,
they are woo.
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