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Old 02-06-2019, 04:25 AM
Posts: n/a
energy shields can get very complex so i will try keep the following things i can do very basic for all to understand,
these are for a multi layered shield which can be use to block out any and every spiritual thing to allow you to focus on yourself without anything else interfaring from the outside and also note these are all i have used in the past and do work, also note these shields are derived from real life military tactics and grand strategys,

1, for inner most shields you can do the standard white egg or ball around you, ( i use yellow energy for shielding based on my instincts) this is also what most people will tell you(at least from content i've read online)
2, moving outside that first i through a dynamic shield, this shield is designed to be a soft field that things can past through but when a entity you know of and don't want near you comes into contact with the field it will turn into a hard field blocking that entity and when the entity leaves the field shifts itself back to a soft field to allow entities you do like to pass through or enter. this field plays with energy density and not colours
3, this field i call a jammer, this field is a 2 layer field with a gap inbetween which acts like a static zone, this i use when i don't want any entity interacting with me, it works but having a static zone trapped inbetween 2 layers which means any entity trying to use something like a wormhole to connect directly into your energy fields will be blocked and and attempt to get through will deflect the wormhole to open outside your fields ,
4, EWR (early warning radar ) this field i have up all the time, this is a super thin and super clear field which is nearly impossible to detect but is places as far outside your fields as possible which detects any entity coming close which can allow you to prepare for a attack ( has worked once but getting my instincts to get me to shield myself and reinforce my shields twice in one night right before a entity attacked my apon a dream exit in which the entity was unable to get through as my shields were very strong as i had strengthened then on instinct twice in less than 12 hours),

other fields/shields
- dense fields and very lightweight fields can be used for defence depending on the different threats that can be incountered on lower plains,
- colour based fields/shields can also for for healing yourself,
- mirror fields/shields which just reflect what is outside back at whats outside meaning that nothing can see in
- moving fields/shields, these are shields which are like pads which shift around and move back and forward through each other causing energy to be constantly shift which makes it very hard for a unfriendly entity to break through in a single spot as energy from other areas moves past restrengthening the lower energy parts that could be under attack.
- automatic shields, these fields are like a AI and can be left alone for quite a long time without recarging as the field manages itself on your behalf.
- semi active shields, these ones are present but are not actively stopping/blocking entities unless their was a trigger such as X entity type detected, and while they leave you more open they require a small thing shield to act as a spotting to tell the semi active field when to activate and when to deactivate, or you tell the field to activate yourself or a guide does for you

these are all fields/shields i have tested and used myself, i have a background in strategy and tactic based games and looking into wars, aswell as being in very dark places mentally which ive been pulling myself out of, so don't take theses as fields/shields which will work for you as i expect many to not understand the tactics on which these are built on, i will leave it at that but it can get as complex or as simple as you want to make it depending on your level of imagination/ creative power and situation,

edit : shields are mainly about you finding what works for you, the best shields which you will ever use will be the one you created for yourself as it will always be what you need and nothing more *depending on the person
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