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Old 28-08-2017, 05:30 PM
wanchain wanchain is offline
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Posts: 957
Originally Posted by Oranssi
I have some questions I would like to survey :)

What would be the highest levels of healing methods?
- For physical healing (excluding conventional medicine).
- For mental / psychological healing.
- For spiritual healing.

For me the best healing method comes down to faith and the power comes almost always from the own patient. The curandero, reiki master, etc, is for me a kind of facilitator to open the true potential of the patient.

Although there could be powers that come from the facilitator him / herself, that I don't comprehend.

What is your opinion on this? Best healing method for these different situations?

Hi Oranssi,

Thanks for your question. I have previously posted a similar thread while I was shopping for healing techniques, but I see that your thread seems to gravitate toward a discussion of theories and beliefs, which intrigues me.

There is no one correct answer, as each answer is only indicative of the level of the individual evolution and perhaps life purpose. And what answers or techniques or solutions resonate most with you depends on your level of consciousness and where you are on your life path at the time.

I see that there are different definitions of health and well-being, so I will lay out WHO's definition first: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization 22 July 1946).

A lot of answers have been mentioned above already. I will just add a couple more that particularly resonate with me. Two ingredients I think are vital to healing and good health:

1) Awareness. And meta awareness is even more so.

2) Power. Someone mentioned soul loss, which is a loss of personal power. In psychology, it is called dissociation, but I don't think psychology helps patients to reclaim their loss and fragmented soul parts. However, in shamanic tradition, there is a lot of work done on soul retrieval, as that tradition recognizes soul loss as an opportunity for negative energy to take up residence in the patient.

Loss soul parts is quite common, as is the struggle of power in group dynamics due to the imbalance of individual power. Some examples of soul loss (not having all your power in you): a) seeing yourself as a victim, helpless, etc.; b) seeking external validation, and attacking people whose views are different than yours; c) being controlling; etc.

As you can see, loss of fragmented soul parts affect our well-being, and in severe cases, our physical health too.

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