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Old 30-08-2019, 01:27 PM
EdmundJohnstone EdmundJohnstone is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 156
You cannot prove wrong that someone thinks something.

So where does the brain stand in here? What about those people with Alzheimer's, or that were left unconscious in a fight. What happened to them? They got their memories lost as the brain shrank or got damaged, so someone would say that this is the evidence for A, that we are our brains, that are like computers and when they die that's the end, on top of the fact that nobody came from the Dead for long enough to confirm that something is out there, like the supernatural soul that stores memories.
Originally Posted by Siemens
Many asked: Is there a soul? If yes, what is its nature and how does it relate to our material world? And what is matter?
Only three theories give possible answers to these questions:

(A) There is no soul and all that is is matter (classic atheism).
(B) A supernatural soul hallucinates the material world and the material world does not really exist, i.e. in form of a substance (visualization theory).
(C) A supernatural soul connects with the material world whereby soul and matter were two different forms of substance (dualism).

These three theories give answers to the nature of our soul, matter, and the relationship between.
The three theories are mutually exclusive, each one rules out the other two. Furthermore one of the three is necessarily true.
All religions and theories that explain the universe are just variations, e.g. Christianity = dualism C. There are no further possibilities.

2 Questions:

1) A, B, and C are not all equally likely. So, how high do you estimate the likelihood of each of them, and why? In sum you have to get 100%.
My own guess:
A ~ 0
B ~ 70%
C ~ 30%

2) In the case of C and B: How are they realized technically?
How does the soul connect to matter in theory C, and where does soul-enwraping matter come from?
How does visualization work in theory B - and if matter is an visualization, is the soul a computer?

(Terminology: With soul I refere to the thing outlasts our physical body.)

Last edited by EdmundJohnstone : 30-08-2019 at 05:08 PM.
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