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Old 03-10-2017, 10:12 PM
stars stars is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 74
Originally Posted by emeraldheart

I have ascended masters and my personal guides try to speak to me when I am asleep.
It is very frustrating because I never remember what they have said!

I do have a question though - do the posters here have any advice on closing a session and getting grounded again?

I get some interesting things right when I wake up if I am still groggy. Lots of "hello's" and my name being called, etc. One time I was worrying about something at work, and (yes, even though I had literally JUST woken up), I had asked if I should fire a certain employee, and instantly a feminine voice in my head said "No, don't do that." (I am a male)

Try this, as soon as you wake up, be mindful of the first thought that comes to you. This only works if you can wake up peacefully, so no alarms, doggies needing to go pee, etc. Your guides may notice you doing this and wait to send your messages then instead of in your dreams when they know you won't remember.

I'm not sure if I am doing this automatic writing thing correctly or maybe its just a different type of channeling that I do. Like I said in my first post, I do more of a question/answer thing and hear or feel the answers. I know there is the type of automatic writing that you just let yourself go and write without thinking or interjecting any questions... I have tried this a few times but it is hard to keep it up for too long. Either my hands get cramped or I get distracted. I will practice more with this type though for sure.

As for closing a session, I usually close it myself when I have to go or I don't feel any more responses. I just give a simple "goodnight". I am not sure about the grounding afterwards, I always ground before-hand and still feel pretty grounded after.

This is how I ground now. I came up with this myself because I have a hard time visualizing, especially things that I don't create on my own. I write it out in my journal/channeling notebook, because the act of writing it down seems to help the visualization along for me.

First, I split my consciousness into two, so that one half stays with me while writing, and one half travels down into the earth. (this works better for me than to try and imagine roots coming out of my feet) I travel down into the the middle of the Earth's crust, to my grounding place. This place is a cavernous type dwelling, fully furnished, and looks very much like a Hobbit Hole. I go down the hallway to the "grounding room" and inside is a giant copper grounding rod with a loop at the top. Then I take my grounding cord which extends from my tailbone, and wrap it around the loop at the top of the grounding rod. The cord can be however long as it needs. Then, I can explore my grounding place if I want to, or just come back up through the earth and back into my body, joining the two consciousnesses, fully grounded and ready to continue.

As far as the angels of fire go, I haven't had any more messages from them, if I even did at all lol. I just thought it was interesting and was curious if anyone had heard of that. Definitely could have been some lower level beings though. Mostly since making this post I have just been channeling my multiple selves and doing a lot of self improvement, self-love, learning to raise my energy and vibrations, etc. It is a lot of fun, and sometimes I can't wait to get home and have a one on one with myself.
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