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Old 01-10-2017, 06:33 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
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What I do is my own version of a protection bubble, which I learned from a few different sources and made my own version, which felt good to me. So now, whenever I channel, I close my eyes and envision and say to myself in my head that I am surrounding myself in a bubble of the white light of the holy spirit (and the picture I envision is sort of Glenda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz, where she comes down in this bubble, so I put myself in the middle of the bubble and the bubble is surrounding me) and I ask and allow my guides and angels to surround me for protection and then I ask for a higher guide (or someone specifically) and then I allow this visualization I learned from Opening to Channel.

Now it has been a long time since I learned, so I'm not sure if mine is exactly from the book, or if I made up my own portions along the way, but I take myself on this astral journey, I guess you could call it. And it feels good and is fun.

I picture myself flying over a field, and I am going as fast, over this meadow like landscape below. I love the feeling of flying fast, and it releases me somehow from the earth plane. Then I fly upwards a ways and sometimes I go to my "guides" room. And I will stay a visit for a moment with whoever is in there - usually it is a brief hello, but sometimes it can be longer .

Then I fly up higher into the atmosphere and (I'm realizing this has changed since I have "evolved" so I used to pop out into the blackness of space and hover and sometimes there would be lights, like stars, and sometimes not, and then I would go up higher and pop out into a bright white space. Here I dance, and usually for some reason it is ballet, (and I've never taken ballet, so I'm not sure why it is ballet) but it is fun and feels good.

Sometimes as a short cut I take an elevator through these spaces LOL and go as high as it feels comfortable.

It has evolved to, when I exit the elevator at the "top" I enter a room of bright white light and there are other people there. I don't usually interact, but that is usually when I am ready to channel, and the words start.

I try to remember to ask who I am speaking to.

Sometimes I go and visit Seth (my main chanellee) in a room Sylvia Browne helped me create, and on is very own bench, and he greets me on this bench and that starts the channeling, but this has been many years later, so I've learned a few shortcuts along the way.

It can be a quick and as long as you want it to be. I think the most important thing is to surround yourself with protection, and ask for a higher guide or a specific guide. The more you play in the upper realms the easier it is to connect, so they tell me I don't need to do all this prep, but sometimes life has been busy and it's hard to go from busy to channelling and it relaxes me into the channeling space.

I think the most important thing is to make it your own. I'm sure everyone does it differently.

The first time I channeled, I was in the middle of writing in a journal and I was a couple pages in when I realized I was writing someone else's thoughts, even though it sounded like me, and I heard, Relax, and then, Breathe, and it just sort of flowed out.

FYI, it has been about five years, and it still sounds like my own voice in my head. When I am automatic writing, I use the computer because it is faster. When I am verbally channeling, it just flows out, so it is a lot different than automatic writing because there is no time delay, I don't have to listen for the words.

The most important thing I would say is to have fun with it.

I have never made it all the way through Opening to Channel. I did, however, buy the audio book when I wanted to learn how to verbally channel, because I was stuck and that did the trick.

Don't know anything about angels of fire. From my perspective, I don't think an angel would tell you that you will burn up. That isn't anything like what I get. I do know you can connect to beings that are not in the higher realms, and you do have to be careful not to connect with them. YOU are the channel, and you are tuning yourself just like the tuner on a radio to pick up only those signals that you want to, because you can pick up signals that you don't want to. I would suggest you always ask for a higher guide at first - I still do - because then you can't pick up on the lower vibratory beings. And you really don't want to play with them LOL. In Opening to Channel there is a section, if I remember this right, pretty early on in the book is where it explains who you can connect to and why you may not want to do that, so you might want to read that section.

And sorry for the typos but it's Sunday and I don't feel like fixing them :)

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