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Old 11-06-2017, 03:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Evangeline 77
I keep reading that you attract what you are. But what if I don't attract anything or anybody? People are not interested to get to know me, men don't want to date me-they just dismiss me, I have a live in job at the moment that seems to be okay so far but most of my managers lacked of common sense, bullied me, overworked me for a little money. I had to realise that I have no real friends I could count on but they always came to me when they needed something, when they had problems, I was good to listen but when I had problems sometimes they even ignored me.
I just keep searching my place in this world.
So what am I??

You're a person, not a nothing. You have a self. You almost certainly have higher principles. Unfortunately if you're still at the stage of thinking you're nothing it's going to take a bit of work to develop yourself.

The first step is to get optimistic. As you look around you, you discover there's quite a lot to be optimistic about. You have a job. If you get bullied it's about lacking confidence and assertiveness which could in turn be because an employer hasn't met their training obligations properly. There are probably nice things around you, your home, nature, where you live, to enjoy. Reflect on them. Then move on to the things you like doing. Get confident in your handling them.

Friends? Once more about self-confidence. Often the lack of it comes from the way your parents treated you. I obviously don't know if that's your case - no matter, you have to get yourself to your feet. Know about LOA that it works only at the grossest levels. You want to be in pleasant situations with people then you have develop a sense of pleasantness. When you meet someone expect nothing from them and just get to know them. If they give you gip, turn away.

I rarely recommend turning to "feel better" books but this is an exception! You'll find a few names and books here to think about; and people who've benefitted by them. A start, anyway. A book on assertiveness would certainly help but treat what you learn gently until you feel it coming naturally. Another book that's worth a read is Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people." Still a best seller, easy going, not trying to lead you down any spiritual path, just plain, earthly sense. Anyway, something to think about.
My attraction methods depends on creating different kinds of aura. That might take work if you are a newcomer to meditation and self-discipline. Besides, while it works with me most times it may not with you. You have to ready to experiment.

Dance (zumba) is a wonderful therapy. I never see people not smiling in the class. It's physical, keeps you fit, the music is buoyant - and as you get to know the routines, it lets your inner beauty shine through. But that's just me.

Know, though, that you have a Self (capital S) and it's as good and bright as any other self.

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