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Old 01-03-2012, 01:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by MorningMist
Down to the very marrow of my bones, I know that his love for me hasn't changed.

So many realisations since last night and I've come to realise, now that he's doing what he's doing for my benefit; that I need to take a major leap of faith and trust his judgement while continuing to focus on my own development.

In time, we'll come together again to work on 'the bigger picture'. I've ceased doubting that now.


I couldn't have said this better myself. It was this realization that caused me to seek out answers to begin with. I knew the second I met my TF that she was "the one" but I also knew she wasn't the one right now even though that realization was on a subconscious level at the time.

It's been 5.5yrs since I last saw her and not a single day has passed by where I questioned her love for me. That has always been the only constant. Even in the face of email after email from her where she stated she never loved me and that we'd never be together again I just knew it wasn't the truth and it was just her attempt to keep me at arms length and to take the pressure off of her to be ready to reunite. This goes way beyond intuition in knowing how she feels about me. That's what makes it the most difficult I think to be apart. To know how strongly she feels for me but at the same time learning to respect the fact that she isn't ready for whatever reason to act on those feelings.
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