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Old 02-05-2018, 12:11 AM
Torgo Torgo is offline
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 390
Time to review April!


S Strengths.
W Weaknesses.
O Opportunities.
T Threats.

April 2018:

Strengths - 7 of Swords x
This April I was much more self-reliant. My attitude went through a mental transformation and I was able to see my relationship with others and things much more clearly.

Weaknesses - Page of Coins
My weakness involved lack of discipline. Even though I said I would do my best, I didn't do anything close to it. I settled for the bare minimum amount of self-care and work I could get away with. While going into May, I will make sure to be more serious and aware of my shortcomings and work harder to focus on what needs to be done.

Opportunities - 2 of Swords
(Ties in to the weaknesses)
:) I love this card. I had opportunities to connect on a real level with others and I did just that. There were times that I was able to embrace others and connect with them mentally and verbally as well. These people were able to help me to see how I've been slacking in my promises of self-care and work. So I must thank them and be grateful for their patience and help as they continue to cheer me on this May.

Threats - 6 of Coins x
The threats this past April were about losing everything and relinquishing my power to those who already have enough power. I must remember this May that I am strong and already have the skills and everything else I need within me to succeed. I do not need to turn to someone else so they can control me. I am capabale and have within me the same things everyone else does. This May I will make sure to remember to look within before I start searching outside of myself.
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