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Old 20-01-2018, 03:24 AM
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Feedback for angelic star

That was great thanks.

Reading for angelic star

The world, eight of cups, cernunnos, ace of pentacles

The message I am getting is to protect yourself -- you make yourself very vunerable because your authencity and giving nature but there are ways to protect yourself and its actually mental. Imagine a halo around yourself and try to shield yourself from it all. It seems to be that easy. It really seems like this person is up to no good but you have the abilities to shield yourself from it just by using your connection to spirituality and by meditation. I am getting the message that you are safe, you are being protected from on high. not in the cards: I say this to help ease worries, but please try to use your best to protect yourself. Please do also ask the question again if you want to, I wanted to give it a try but I could see if this isn't satisfactory.

Next reading for traceyacey12

Why does G find my mannerisms comforting, why does he feel at home with them?

strength, nine of swords, the lord

G finds me strong and elegant, able to tame hard issues. He knows I deal with a lot. He thinks I have a protective nature
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