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Old 09-06-2015, 06:27 AM
noxlumina noxlumina is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 269
I've had adverse results from meditation. Not from traditional "clear your mind" type of meditation (except that sometimes if I have to sit with my eyes closed, I'll get vertigo), but when I practiced with a Tibetan Buddhist sangha, I experienced all kinds of high strangeness connected to those practices. One time my energy got "stuck" around my heart area, and I spent the next week crying. And that's honestly the least of the high strangeness. Many of my experiences were more typical of people who study the occult.

People underestimate what can happen from meditative practices, but lots can. Quiet zazen or TM type meditation tends to be pretty safe, but if you're doing complicated visualizations, you're probably best with some sort of a guide to help you get started. Some meditation practices also incorporate occult-type practices (Tibetan Buddhism sure as heck does) and while this does not make them bad or wrong, it does mean that you may have an experience that you weren't expecting or prepared for, if you are a particularly sensitive individual or have had previous paranormal experiences.
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