Thread: my snoopy
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Old 04-11-2010, 12:28 AM
Cherub T
Posts: n/a
Hi eraser, thanks for the cuddle, snoopy seems to have a half smile on his face. I just couldn't let the vet take him today. He was a rescue, so he is at least 9 years. I just can't stop this crying, I'm trying to tell myself it's snoopy that's going, but yeah it's the gap they leave. I'm sensing my dad near me too. I've been dreaming a lot recently and also about the bunnies.

Oh gosh the female that will be left (starskey) is a tricky customer indeed. I'm not sure if shed chase another away that wasn't snoopy. Lol

It's hurting so bad, I've never cried so much before. I keep trying to think of the good times. I feel so alone just now x
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