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Old 13-12-2018, 12:19 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
Reading for angelic star
I've changed your question slightly - wasn't sure how to 'encourage' something that has happened in the past, but no biggie :)

"Any words of positivity in terms of my interactions with L in past two years and more"

Hermit, 7 of Cups, King of Wands rev, 9 of Pent rev

Is this is relationship that soured at some point? Hermit is the first card to pop up, indicating that this is a relationship that has caused you at tiems to really go off by yourself and reflect. This and the 7 of Cups make me think that the most positive, healthy outcomes from L crossing your life has been that it's made you think about what you want in your life; as the people around us tend to influence our choice of values/beliefs/inspirations etc. You may know now that in order to attract certain things to your life, you need to move in certain directions and not others. The sense of "I'm not going to do ___ in the future, because I know where that goes and don't want that anymore" comes through.

Moving forwards, I'm wondering how much interaction you plan on having with L as 9 of Pent rev seems to indicate you'll be too busy - and yet we are never truly too busy to stay in touch with loved ones. I'm still seeing some communication with L, but it doesn't seem to be too frequent.

Next reading for tealily
I feel rock-bottom career wise!
Hopefully this is just a temporary phase... but right now I am very frequently feeling I'm ready to give up and just walk away from all the clinical stuff.
Q: What hope can you offer me regarding my clinical career in 2019?
(if the cards indicate that I walk out, I'm okay with this)
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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