Thread: Choice.
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Old 23-07-2018, 05:15 PM
r6r6 r6r6 is offline
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Color Infinite Non-occupied Space and Concepts of Infinity

davidsun--The 'configurations' 'Fieldl' as constituted (note the past tense) at any given point 'in' space and time are indeed 'finite' in the sense in which you use the word.

1} a conceptual point does not occupy space,

2} minimal possible 3D, occupied space point is a tetra{4}hedron.

The four triangle faces of tetrahedron have same 60 degree orientation of the previously mention cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron aka operating system of Universe and Fuller states the closet we will ever come to knowing God.

But, as the term 'Eternal Life' signifies, and as I have ex-plain-ed, such 'fields' are 'open-ended' and ever-evolving, and in that (very meaning-full IMO) sense are ininfinite.

"eternal life"? When you can be more specific of what exactly this "eternal life" is, please start there. Like defining God and spirit ask 100 differrent people what an "eternal life" is, will get you 50 differrent answers or more.

I.e. what your offerring us two words, that together have no clear definition or evidence of any definition you or others may associate with them as presented.

"eternal life" is a field? EMagnetic field exists but only in 20th century did humans actually quantise and quantify a particle withing this field and it has specific, associated sine-wave /\/\/ frequency ^v^v shape/pattern.

When you can begin to have any evidence of such associations with this alledged "eternal life" field, please share.

Humans have not quantiesed or quantified gravity ( ) or dark energy )( either, yet we evidence of their existence. Do you understand the differrence between those two and your/others "eternal life"?

'You' are confining your 'self. by the very act of embracing you present (finite!) perspective and belief system, IMO, r6.

I am a finite, integral set of molecules in dynamic motion, with incoming energy and outgoing energy as waste. Since I'm connected to all other mass of Universe via gravity ( ) --if not also dark energy )(-- I am part of greater finite, occupied space Universe.

You dont appear to grasp there exist finite cosmic laws/principles, shapes/patterns etc. You can espouse this or that non-sense all your finite life, and that will never make any of them true.

That is clearly what you choose to do. As much as you can, enjoy the 'security'-blanket (No-Limits Infinity can be a very 'scary' concept!) 'prison'.

I think you and many others do not grasp infinity much less any associated and observed size of our finite, occupied space Universe. There are only two kinds of infinity, and you and others have yet to grasp this;

1} macro-infinite non-occupied space, that embraces our observed finite, occupied space Universe,

2} concepts of infinite this or that, which as Ive already pointed out, you nor others have any evidence for any infinite, this or that. Words as concepts without any observational evidence is just that words.

An yes as I mentioned previously and below, peoples differrent peopls brains create many differrent kinds of stuff they believe is true and again no evidence of any of it being true --ergo most likely non-sense-- and some cases their beliefs are dangerous to self and others.

People can claim there exist polka dot Unicorns that give birth to a Toyota prius every 5 days, yet until there is evidence of such, just words and concepts with no basis for there reality. Do you understand this above David?


All fields are finite and have an associated shape/pattern. Ex pattern shape of EMagnetic field around Earth is a torus.

EM photon or stream of them have a sine-wave /\/\/\/\/ associated shape/pattern.
Humans ride along in a field of interacting/interfering sine-wave patterned frequencies ^*v*^v^*v*^ or as /**\../\/**\/..\/

The best we can do is to moderate our high peaks and low troughs. To some degree we may also moderate the wave length of our sine-wave patterned frequencies but that is something that is more fundamental to our biological existence.

All is moderation of angle and frequency and we each attempt to choose the vectorial trajectories forward as we process the incoming and outgoing experiences.

< < Outgoing Past of Observed Time < { * i * } < Incoming Future Time to Be Observed < <

{ * Birth * } >/>\>/>\>/> Entropic Arrow-of-Time >/>\>/>\>/> { ~ Death ~ }

The question then becomes whether there is any ability to attempt choice before birth and after death. There exists no evidence such capabilities exist.

Sure we have people who claim such. We also have any number of people that claim many outlandish experiences and again with no evidence for their claims.

The brain can do some amazing things ---see savants and idiot-savants mostly involving memory abilities--- and it can mislead a human into believing this or that which does not exist.

Humans are the most complex integrity of time, ---that we know of-- and we have the most access to meta{ beyond time }physical-1, mind/intellect/concepts.

This ability, in-of-itself, allows humans to feel they are Gods eyes to ponder all that is possible and conceptualize themselves as God that exists outside of our finite, occupied space Universe/Uni-V-erse as if they were holding the whole Universe in their conceptual hands.

With these metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/conceptual abilities we discover the exist finite absolute principles/laws that complement the finite, occupied space Universe.

Some see this as, as above{ the line } so below{ the line }, and that is fine, as long as we want to use that ancient analogy of Earth or hell below and heaven/sky above.

In more modern abstract mathematical constructions of black hole we think of a curved line of the event horizon, where we see that what is inside the black hole is expressed on the curved event horizon.

Archimedes was the first person we know of to discover that teh area of four bisectional great circle planes of a cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron are equal the surface area of the sphere they define.
..."455.02 The sum of the areas of the four great-circle discs elegantly equals the surface area of the sphere they define.

...The area of one circle is r2. The area of the surface of a sphere is 4r2.

...The area of the combined four folded great-circle planes is also 4r2 and all four great-circle planes go through the exact center of the sphere and, between them, contain no volume at all.".....

I.e. 4, 2D circular areas are equal to the surface are of a sphere, that has same radial length as the circular areas.

This is not true when the cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron is Euclidean{ not curved }. The surface outside surface area is less than the four planes.

When we conceptually spin the four planes and make them circular instead of hexagonal, we get the are equality.

We appear to be allowed some choice to spin.

Spin left-right, higher-lower, front-back, forward-reverse, inward-outward?

We appear to be allowed some choices to twist left-right, higher-lower, inward-outward etc.

Since we are on Earth, our consciousness is inherently in a spin relationship to rest of Universe from birth til death. The day and night sky is evidence of this spin.

"Dare to be naive"... R. B. Fuller

"My education has been of my biggest impediments to my learning"...A. Einstein

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."...R Feynman

Last edited by r6r6 : 23-07-2018 at 11:01 PM.
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