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Old 30-06-2018, 10:36 AM
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Love and tragedy at the Pharaoh's court

Reincarnation is a topic that interests me because I remember my (main) past life. I had two past life regressions, during both of them I remembered the same life. I was told this is highly unusual. The regressions were life changing events and it has helped me tremendously to know who I am and why certain things are occurring in my current life. History in fact seems to be repeating itself.

I have never really told anyone who I am and what occurred in my previous life. There is a belief that if someone was someone famous or otherwise well known in a past life then one must be "making it up for attention seeking". Well some of us have to have been well known historical figures - simply because they existed! Nothing is further from my mind than to seek attention or to show off. I will therefore not mention exactly who I am - though it is obvious from my username. I am using my ancient name as my username because despite not wanting to show off, I am also aware that it is my right to bear my name and to be who I am. Why should I hide who I am?

My story is one of incredible sadness and yet also love and happiness. I will post it here because this is the only place I can write about it and know people will not ridicule me.

My previous life occurred in Ancient Egypt, during the 18th dynasty (New Kingdom). There was a lot of political unrest, but in the midst of this I found true love. The love between my then husband and me was so strong it is beyond words as no human language contains the right words to describe it.

Our happiness was mixed with sadness though when we lost our children. Our children had been the symbol of our love and to lose them broke our hearts. But we had each other and that was what mattered.

During my regressions I cried endlessly over our children, but I also experienced such happiness when I could once more be in the presence of my then husband. I remember smiling during the regression, and the therapist later told me that I looked incredibly happy. I was only sad that she quickly took me to other events - I so wanted to remain in the presence of my beloved husband, I wanted to be once more back in our time, enjoying his company.

Being in the public eye always attracts enemies, people who want the power for themselves, people who are jealous. There were two people who were like that. Tragedy could not be prevented and my husband got killed. I was never the same after that. My life had been taken from me. All I could do was survive. The people who were responsible for the murder of my husband later also killed me. I remembered during my regressions how I was publicly accusing the murderer, and how shortly after I was hit over the head. I remember how I thought that I was too young to die but could not prevent it.

Some might say I could have read these events up in history books. The well known events maybe - but I could not have read up my feelings, my deep sorrow over my children, my heartbreak over the loss of my husband, or indeed my deep love for my husband - and his love for me. These emotions are the things that matter to me - not that we were well known people.

A lot of the events from that life have been repeated in my current life. The person who was directly responsible for my husband's death has for many years been causing me no end suffering and has caused my beloved cat's death in this life time. Again he has murdered, again he has taken power he had no right to take. Again he has forced me into things I did not want to do.

Another figure from this past life has also appeared in my current life, a person who at the time promised my husband that he would always look after me. This person has kept his promise but unfortunately he does not know how to deal with the connection between us and with his responsibility to look after me. He is subconsciously aware that there is a connection between us but he does not understand what this connection is. Therefore things have gotten rather messy recently and a lot of chaos has been introduced into my current life.

My then husband has not been reincarnated and I miss him. He had achieved such advanced spiritual strength and wisdom that he has managed to escape the cycle of birth, death and re-birth. I remember always being in awe of him because of his high spiritual understanding. I have been reincarnated to achieve a similar level. Maybe this is why I have had to suffer so much in my current life. I have indeed achieved a lot of spiritual insight during my current life. I can only hope that this will be enough so that I don't have to be reincarnated again but can remain with my husband, and my beloved cat and other family members, in the next world when this current life comes to an end.
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