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Old 24-11-2018, 01:26 PM
Philos_Tone Philos_Tone is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 88
Cat Synchs, Signs, and the Unexplainable Beginning


I am looking for someone experienced, or a reference for some material, in the question I have.

Basically, the beginning to everything is not possible, whether you are thinking about an explanation, or the actual event, it just implies things like mystical powers are real, and the afterlife is eternally your heaven, at some point.

I want to know top advice for what to do when a short synchronicity is experienced. I want to hear from you if you have had success or know of a great online guide. Maybe there are books at my library.

If you can discuss this with me, or lead me in the right direction. Even with dreams, divination and such things, please assist!

Many thanks
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